Page 8 of Rider

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“Like I said, no moral compass,” Blade affirms. “According to our source on the inside, he’s trying to build a case for obstruction of justice against the FBI agents who arrested him. Seems flimsy, but I wouldn’t put it past him to manipulate the system. He’s been doing it for decades.”

Heads nod around the room, the air thick with frustration and restless energy. We’re all itching for a way to keep that man behind bars forever. And if not, we can discuss…alternativeways of taking care of the problem.

“Hawk,” Blade says, staring at my friend. “I’m sure you won’t mind the assignment of sticking close to Tessa until we know for sure the sheriff isn’t going to get out on bail.”

Hawk nods, and the prez continues.

“Axel has eyes and ears around the police station and other locations in the form of cameras, mics, and several informants. We’ll take shifts monitoring everything, starting tonight. I’ll take the first shift, and Axel will replace me at six a.m. You can sign up for your slot on the sheet of paper by the door.”

Thirty heads turn to the table next to the exit. Sure enough, there’s a clipboard with a pen attached and a sheet of paper with lines and times.

“Now get out of here,” Prez growls, like he does at the end of every church meeting. “Rider and Axel, hold back.”

The two of us slowly stand, walking up to the front of the room. I hope this doesn’t take up too much time. I told Hawk I’d grab a beer with him after church, but what I want to do is go back home to Sutton.

She’s been with me for two days now. Two blissful days of seeing her around the kitchen making coffee in the morning. Two days of cooking for her and watching her teal eyes light up with each new dish. Two days of longing for her with every breath, yet never getting close enough to touch her the way I want. The way I need.

“New mission time?” Axel asks with a bit too much enthusiasm, jarring me out of my thoughts.

He’s calmed down quite a bit in the last month or so, but he still has moments of being an excited little puppy. As our newest member, I know he’s trying to prove himself. We give him shit, but it’s only because he’s family now. Besides, Axel has already proven his worth with his hacking skills and technological know-how. He’s also a talented mechanic, but we’ve been relying more on his cyber skills recently.

“Yes,” Blade answers, his tone flat. There’s a good-natured spark in his dark eyes, however, and I know he finds Axel amusing. “I would have brought Hawk in as well, but he’s going to be distracted and busy enough watching out for Tessa.” We both nod. “Axel is already in on this, so I’ll have him explain it to you.”

I turn to Axel, who is practically vibrating out of his skin. I can tell he’s thrilled to take the lead on something, and honestly, I’m happy for the kid. He’s earned it.

“So, while setting up the surveillance equipment around the station, I picked up on a lead for missing narcotics. At first, I thought it was gang activity or a rival club moving in on our territory. But then I listened more carefully and followed the clues… right back to the cops.”

“Of fucking course,” I grunt, not the least bit surprised.

“It gets worse,” Blade warns.

I turn my attention back to Axel and nod for him to continue.

“Get this. The drugs in question are all confiscated narcotics from police raids over the years. Apparently, there are several warehouses nearby housing everything. The street value for the amount they’ve got…” Axel whistles and shakes his head. “Millions.”

“Jesus,” I grunt, though I’m not surprised.

“While everyone else is working on taking the sheriff down, I want you two to follow this intel,” Blade says. “I have a feeling it all leads back to Darren, but I’m not sure how yet. Besides, we need to keep a lockdown on drugs in our town anyway, so two birds and all that shit.”

I nod, waiting for the next instruction.

“I’ll monitor the feeds from the clubhouse,” Axel jumps in. “And you’ll do some groundwork, meet with some of our less reputable contacts.”

I nod, knowing my recent prison time will help ingratiate me with the right people. Or, rather, the wrong people.

“Be careful out there,” Blade says, resting a hand on my shoulder.

I grunt, asking a few more details before we’re dismissed. Axel follows me out to the bar section of the clubhouse, waving at Hawk, who is leaning against the bar top.

“Join us for a drink?” I ask Axel, making my way toward my friend.

“Another time. I only have some surveillance to do, then I should sleep while I can before my next shift starts.”

“I’ll hold you to that, kid.”

Axel rolls his eyes every time I call himkid, which makes me smirk. He’s not much younger than me in the grand perspective of things, but he’s… less jaded. I know Axel hasn’t had the easiest life—no one ends up in the Savage Saints because their childhood was great and they had all the opportunities in the world.

What’s the opposite of an old soul? A new soul? Either way, Axel has an eternal optimism and motivation I associate with youth.
