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“Rune and Zen are fighting,” Cullen said. “I’m not strong enough to stop them, and I don’t know how long we can contain it.”


“I’ll be right there. You’re at the club?”

I could hear the sounds of their fighting in the background.

“No, we’re in the desert, just past Devil Peak.”

“I’ll be right there,” I said and hung up.

Damn it!

I walked to my balcony, which was blocked off from the world by a barrier of one-way glass that allowed me to watch the world, but none of them to watch me. Dusk had fallen, and none of the neon lights reached this high up.

I shifted into dragon form and dropped myself off the balcony before I was able to flap my wings and fly. My dragon body was too big, I barely fit on the balcony when I shifted.

My powerful wings lifted me into the sky, and I headed toward Devil Peak. Nevada was littered with abandoned towns, and the shifters liked to hang out there when they needed to get away and stretch their animal legs without humans around.

When I got closer, it didn’t take long to see which town they were in. Two dragons were going at it, with blasts of fire that could be seen from miles away.

I folded my wings against my body and dove toward the earth to get there quicker.

When I touched ground, I roared loudly, and my magic grew around me until it was thick in the air.

Despite the fighting, the two dragons turned to look at me.

The large purple dragon lowered itself right away. The green one hesitated before it dropped to the earth, too.

Rune was first to step out of the purple dragon and into human form.

“You want to tell me what the fuck is going on?” I demanded before Zen had a chance to touch down and shift back into his human form, too.

“We didn’t want to bother you with shit that doesn’t need your attention on your day off,” Zen said, already speaking human words.

They were a little twisted coming from his dragon mouth, but then his scaled body shrunk, and he became human, too.

The two brothers stood side by side, naked as the day they were born, breathing hard and muscles bulging with adrenaline.

“We got word that someone is holding captives not too far out, and I wanted to look for them,” Rune said. “The idea was to let you know the moment I knew, but dipshit over here thought it would be a good idea to keep it quiet.”

“You what?” I asked, glaring at Zen. “Tell me he’s kidding.”

Not that Rune would ever bullshit me like that. Of the two brothers, he was the loyal one. It pissed me off how loyal he was sometimes, a goody two-shoes who did my bidding exactly. Zen was a wild card, and I couldn’t always control him, but he was a fighter, and I liked that about him, charging headlong into the fray, never asking questions.

“I just didn’t think you needed to hear about it until we knew for sure,” Zen grumbled, glaring at Rune as if it was his fault.

“Well, now I know, so you might as well tell me. What’s the news?”

“I think it’s the Rogues,” Rune said. “It has to be. They’re keeping two girls captive somewhere around here. The scouts reported back to me earlier today, saying that they picked up a magical signature they don’t know.”

I had scouts outside the city, looking for traces of anything that might be a problem since I couldn’t find the Rogues. How they still eluded me was beyond me, but right now, we had to deal with the facts.

“You know I won’t let that slide,” I said. “We don’t do shit like that.”

Some alphas were okay with inhumane shit happening on their territory, but I didn’t think that was right. We were all human at our core, right? Magic gave us our animals, but we were human first and foremost, and we could do right by the humans, if nothing else.

“Yeah, well, we weren’t going to let itslide,” Zen said irritably. “We just weren’t going to bug you with this when it’s not a big deal.”
