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I looked over my shoulder, and a moment later, Zen’s green dragon appeared at the cave entrance. He searched for me in the darkness with his ugly yellow eyes, and I knew he could see me despite the dark if he saw cold and heat the way I did.

His eyes locked on me, and fear trembled through my large, scaled body.

I flapped my wings. I knew nothing about flying or if I could even do it, but I had to try something.

Nothing happened.

I’d hoped my wings would lift me into the air, but I couldn’t figure it out.

Behind me, Zen came closer. He knew how to use his wings, and he shot straight at me, stretching out his leathery body to make himself more aerodynamic. He came toward me, and his magic preceded him, washing toward me like a wave.

I stopped trying to fly, to frantically get away. I spun around and faced him head-on. If getting away wouldn’t work, then the alternative was to fight.

I had no idea how to do that, either, but my dragon was in charge right now, and I had to give over the reins and sit back, letting her take charge.

I felt her anger. It was hot and powerful, and she let out a blast of fire.

Zen tried to stop his quick approach, spreading his wings wide like the emergency stop parachutes on a jet, and he kicked out his claws. He skidded across the desert, locking up billows of sand. When he was close enough to me, he didn’t try to stop himself anymore.

He was suddenly on top of me, and his powerful body, larger than mine and with complete control of his magic, rode me to the ground.

He snapped his jaws in my face, and flames grew like a fiery ball in the dragon’s mouth, framed by sharp teeth to create the most menacing sight I’d ever seen.

I tried to get out from underneath him, but I couldn’t. He was in control of his power, and I wasn’t. It didn’t matter how powerful I was. If I didn’t know how to use it, it didn’t help me at all.

Zen spat fire at me, and I squeezed my eyes shut. This was it—the end.

As the fire blasted around my face, all I could think about was Emmie. I wished I could kiss and hug her just one more time. I wished I could tell her how perfect she was, and how everything I’d done, everything I’d given up for her, had been worth it.

If I’d had to do it all again, I’d have her all over again, only love her harder, spend all my time with her so that she knew what a gift she was to this world.

The flames in my face were scorching hot, and Zen had a sharp, powerful claw wrapped around my throat, digging nails into the scales so that I could feel hot blood pouring out of my neck.

I tried to fight him, but he was too strong.

When I was ready to accept I was going to die, a large creature came out of left field and tackled Zen off me.

Zen let out a screech, and I shook my head, trying to recover. A fight was on between the two creatures—both dragons—and I blinked, trying to make out what I was looking at through my strange new dragon vision.

It looked like...


Another dragon appeared next to me, and Circe was on its back.

“You have to shift back into human form,” Circe urged, sliding off the dragon’s thick body. “Come on, we’re getting you out of here.”

I snorted. I didn’t know how to shift. I didn’t know anything. The magic had taken over and made the decisions that had brought me this far.

“Breathe,” Circe instructed. “Calm your mind and find your human. In through your nose, hold it.” I realized she was talking about the same breathing method Wesley had taught Emmie, and I did that. I tried to focus on me as a human, on the form I was used to, and the way life had always been.

At first, nothing happened, but then my body started to change again, shrinking until I was just a human again.

I sat on the floor, naked, gasping.

“Oh, Circe. What are you doing here?”

“We’re getting you out of here. Come on, Rune will take us away.”
