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Now that I had my human vision again, I noticed the purple dragon was Rune.

When I looked over my shoulder at the two dragons still fighting, I recognized Wesley’s dark dragon, too.

He’d come to save me.

“What about Wesley? And Emmie? Where is Emmie?”

“Emmie is with Liv; she’s safe. Wesley will be fine. He told us to get you out, and that’s what we’re doing.Come.”

I hesitated, but I was no use while I was naked and in human form. Right now, not knowing how to use my power meant I was no use in dragon form, either.

I turned, and we climbed onto Rune’s back. Circe shrugged out of her coat and handed it to me so I could at least partially cover up my nakedness, and the muscular, scaled body lifted us into the air. I spotted Wesley, still fighting, when I looked over my shoulder, and I willed him to come back to me.



Danna wasmagnificent.

When I saw her there in the desert, writhing under Zen’s treacherous dragon body, two things went through my mind—Zen was going to die for touching my mate, and she was the most incredible dragon I’d ever seen.

She looked just like the dragon I’d seen in my dream, when she’d shifted into the white dragon with emerald eyes. Her scales shimmered with magic that made them iridescent, and her body was lean and sleek and elegant.

Zen bared his teeth at me, hissed, and snaked his weasel-like body toward me.

I threw myself at him so that our scaled bodies crashed into each other, and I tackled him to the ground. We’d been fighting for a while now, and he was stronger than he should have been. I hadn’t felt it on him before, but tonight, he reeked of dark magic. He’d done something to screw with me, and it had nearly worked.

If I hadn’t seen Danna with Circe’s help and known where to find her, it would have been too late.

Another wash of anger flooded my body when I thought about Zen wanting to mate my female. No way in fucking hell.

The anger pushed my dragon into a fiery beast. My scales danced with fire licking over my whole body, and Zen skidded to a halt.

He turned tail, and like the pussy he was, he fled.

He flew into the air and away, and I let him go. I had to make sure Danna was safe, and I had to prepare for war. This shit wasn’t over.

I lifted myself into the air, making sure Zen really had high-tailed it out of here, and turned toward the abandoned town where my mate and my other two companions were waiting for me.

It only took a moment to get there before I lowered myself onto the ground.

Danna appeared almost right away. She wore a pair of leggings and a tank top, her dark hair was a tangled mess, and she’d never been more beautiful. Her eyes filled with emotion. Relief flooded her face when she saw me.

“You’re here.”

“I wasn’t going to let you go,” I said, my voice gruff with emotion, and Danna ran to me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.

I had been way too close to losing her, and I couldn’t risk something like that happening again.

“I have to tell you something,” I said.


I took a deep breath. “I was cursed.”

She frowned. “Cursed?”

“Yeah. It’s complicated, but I carried around a curse that forced me to lose control of my dragon. The curse would not only destroy me, but anyone I loved.”
