Page 95 of Trick or Truce

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The thought of waking up in Grant’s arms every morning and having breakfast with Noah before we leave for school…it settles something inside me.

Regardless of what house I’m in, with Grant and Noah—I’m home.


Another Year Later


“My turn!”

My stomach coils in anticipation as Noah hands Elena her Christmas present.

Elena glances at me as she gives the rectangular box a playful shake. “I wonder what this could be.”

Noah wrings her hands in her lap as she waits for Elena to tear open the wrapping paper.

Elena’s eyes well with tears as she pulls out a beautiful crystal picture frame, complete with a picture of the two of them from last summer inside it.

“This is beautiful. I love this picture.”

Noah smiles. “Flip it over.”

I hold my breath as Elena turns over the frame and spots the white envelope taped to the back. She pulls out the contents and begins to read.

Noah watches Elena’s expression, but I watch Noah.

The mood swings and slamming doors aren’t as frequent as they used to be. We communicate a lot better than we once did. In what feels like the blink of an eye, she’s sixteen years old, and I know it won’t be long before she’s driving and looking at colleges she’s interested in applying to. As much as I hate that she isn’t my little girl anymore, I love the new dynamic we have.

And I love that we’ve gotten to share these last few years with Elena.

Elena gasps as she flips to the next page of the letter, and her hand flies up to her mouth. “Oh my god. Are you serious?”

Noah flings her arms around her. “I want this as long as you want it.”

“Of course I want this.” Elena sobs against her shoulder. “Nothing would make me prouder than to adopt you as my own.”

I wrap my arms around them both, and Romeo leaps onto the couch to be a part of our celebration.

After a teary embrace, Elena pulls back and looks at me. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” She holds up the adoption papers. “This is a big deal for you.”

I lean in and peck her lips. “It’s the easiest decision I’ve ever made.”

She stares down at the letter, shaking her head in disbelief. “I’ve always wanted to be a mother. I never thought it’d be in the cards for me after everything that happened.”

“I wish I could give you what you truly wanted.” Noah swipes away her own tear. “I know you didn’t carry me for nine months, and I know you didn’t raise me when I was a baby. But you were meant to be my mother. I believe that in my heart.”

I clasp Elena’s hand. “And so do I.”

“You not being in my belly doesn’t make me love you any less.” Elena squeezes Noah’s knee. “I love you unconditionally, and I will always look at you as mine.”

And I know it’s true because she loved Noah before she held these adoption papers in her hand.

Going frommydaughter toourdaughter is something I never saw coming. I didn’t expect to want it as much as I do now. Elena changed my perspective on life and love; she changed my relationship with Noah.

She changedme.

