Page 96 of Halligan To My Axe

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My lungs were billowing like a freight train, and each puff of my breath filled the cold night air like a cloud, surrounding me.

“You piece of shit. You stupid, goddamn piece of shit. I should fucking kill you. You’ve taken nearly everything from my sister. You don’t deserve to live.” Viddy screeched, making the tension in my shoulders ease slightly.

“Who are you calling?” Sebastian asked as I walked to where I could see the show unfold in the kitchen.

“My soon to be wife.”

• • •

9:37 P.M.

“Cameras are off, but I don’t know for how long. Keep it under control though. The captain won’t like this if you beat the shit out of him. Try to keep a lid on it, eh?” Loki confirmed as he showed me to the interrogation room Gustavo was in.

I walked into the room without saying a word of affirmation to Loki, and immediately clenched my hands into tight fists as not to pummel the little weasel’s face.

Gustavo grinned at me, instantly knowing who I was as soon as I stepped through the door.

I walked sedately into the room, trying with all of my ability to keep the fury I was feeling back.

“So you finally came to find out what my motives were, yescazzo?” Gustavo asked.

Cazzo. Dick. Glad he could be original.

My father had said that often when I was growing up

“Yes, cameras are off,” I said staring at the man. “Tell me why.”

“You got a letter. I would’ve left you alone if it wasn’t for the letter.” He shrugged.

“You wasted your time. I never even read the letter.” I growled in frustration.

“It doesn’t matter,cazzo. I’ve been meaning to find you and say thank you for years now. I would’ve never known if you hadn’t sent that package from Iraq. I never intended to hurt yourbastardothat bad, but once it happened, well, it just happened. Rosalie was kind enough to keep it quiet, although I did have to threaten her a wee bit.” He said holding up my fingers a short distance from the other.

“Anyway, I thought for sure when your papa delivered that letter to you, that you would read it, but you didn’t. Only that girl of yours did. Of course, then I had to kill her. I used her brother. Those stupid little twit kids. Nobody could follow through, so I had to do it myself. Sorry about your sister, though. That’s too bad.” He grinned and bared his teeth.

Hearing what I needed to hear, I started to leave the room, but stopped when I reached the doorway.

“Just remember this,cazzo. Don’t drop the soap. I hope you enjoy playing the bitch.” I hissed before crashing out of the room.

• • •

10:18 P.M.

I watched as Adeline and Viddy reunited, keeping my mouth shut and letting them have their moment.

“So she was kicking him?” Adeline giggled. “Did Trance toss her over his shoulder before or after she kicked him in the face?”

“After. Trance had her nearly outside before she squirmed her way loose, heading for the downed man. Then, she reared back and kicked him in the face, breaking his nose and spraying blood absolutely everywhere.”

“Yeah, I think it got in my hair.” Viddy groaned from the couch beside Adeline.

Adeline giggled even more as she pulled her sister towards her, and buried her nose in Viddy’s hair.

“I can’t believe you did that. Thank you.” Adeline whispered.

“I guess you should really thank yourself. You’re the one who bought me that dog tracker thing. Worked out well, too. I had it around my neck.” She said as she pulled the object that was on a chain around her neck from beneath her shirt.

It was a circular medallion type thing that was the size of a quarter.

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