Page 14 of My Everything

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I gripped my cock.

“Marc?” Her voice came from the other side of the door, and I almost laughed.Almost.

“Not now.” My voice came out as nothing but a growl. I waited, tense with anticipation, but she didn’t speak, and neither did she try to enter. The lack of her presence felt oddly disappointing. Part of me wanted her to come, to replace my hand with hers and push me over the edge of everything I held back. The more rational part of me hurried the fuck up, needing to get off and get out of this shower before she got herself in trouble. Her silence bothered me and made it hard to focus. Cursing under my breath, I faltered. “You okay out there?”

Her reply was delayed, and a tad hesitant. “Yeah. Fine.”

I could have questioned her. Should have double-checked. Instead, I returned focus to my body, stroking away the tension with a tight fist. The bathroom door burst open, and she stumbled inside. We both froze. Her eyes wide and settled on my hand still gripping my cock.

“Don’t you fucking knock?” I gritted out.

She blushed, blinked, and stammered out something incoherent before tearing her gaze off me. “I’m sorry,” she breathed. “But there’s someone outside the window. I-I—” She inched closer, keeping her eyes on the floor and I took the opportunity to shut the shower off and snatch a towel.

Cursing under my breath, I brushed past her and straight to the window. Peering through the gap in the blinds, I saw nothing but red light flickering in the night. A light rain fell on the ground, darkening it and reflecting that red light until it looked like puddles of blood coating the asphalt. “What did you see?”

She came up behind me, lingering near but far away to avoid touching me.

“A man.” She inched closer, brushing against my side and pointing to the right. “There, around that pickup truck. He was just standing there. Looking straight at me.”

Something in me tightened, and for a brief moment, I forgot I was half-naked and hiding a boner under the towel. Was there a real threat out there? Or did she imagine it? Seeing other visitors, even though it was past midnight, wasn’t too odd. This was a gas station, too. Not just a lazy B&B. But something about it made me feel ill at ease.

“We have to leave,” Kaylie whispered. “What if they found me?”

My fist clenched around the towel. She was right. But going out there in the middle of the night, even for slipping into the car, was worse than staying inside. I shook my head. “I’m not going out there with you. Not if you’re right.”


I didn’t stop to listen. I had to take the risk of staying inside. It was better than trying to reach the car in the dark. Unarmed. Unprepared. But it didn’t mean I was going to sit around waiting for someone to kick open the door.

Rearranging the furniture and keeping the damn towel from slipping too low proved to be harder than I thought. But after a few slips, and her eyes never leaving me, I had the dresser pushed to block the door, the single window blocked, and the bed pushed to the far corner where we were out of sight—and line of potential fire. It was the best I could do, and I prayed it was enough.

“Nothing to kill the mood like a potential hitman outside,” I muttered.

Kaylie winced. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt…” she trailed off as her cheeks grew red. She cleared her throat, gesturing toward the bathroom. “You can… you know, continue.”

I laughed at the absurd suggestion. Tempted to take her up on the offer, I shook my head. “And leave you alone out here?”

She squirmed, lifting her gaze to me, and held it. “I can come with you.”

I couldn’t stop the gasp. How could she even say something like that? Shouldn’t she be focusing on staying safe? The moment the thought crossed my mind, I realized it was exactly what she was attempting. She was safewith me. “Kaylie.”

She inched closer, and despite knowing I should stop her, I didn’t. Her hands landed on my chest, and we both shuddered from the mere contact. She touched me as if I was made of glass. Trailing her hands ever so softly over my skin until muscles trembled and flexed under her caress. She took her time, not missing one inch of skin as she explored her way down my chest, over my stomach. When she reached the towel, my heart was pounding, and my breaths were heavy.

She hesitated, eyes flicking up to search my face.

I could stop her. I should. I fucking should. But Iwantedthose hands on me. Ineededher to rip the towel off me and touch me.

A rap on the door made her jump, snatching her hands away. I grabbed her, shoving her behind me.

“Is everything okay in there?” A voice called from the other side of the door. “You make an awful lot of noise. People are trying to sleep.”

I relaxed. It was just the idiot who had the night shift. And the noise was no doubt me dragging furniture around. Did I overreact? Was the mystery person outside just another guest? It didn’t matter. There was no being too careful when it came to Kaylie’s safety. Standing in front of her, one hand holding her in place behind me, was just the proof I needed. When I took the job, she was nothing more than an annoyance. Some privileged little princesses I was stuck with. During the short time together, she became so much more. I didn’t just step in front of her because it was my job, even though that would have been easier to accept.

“Everything is fine,” I called out.

“Just keep it down, man.”

I huffed, letting Kaylie go.

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