Page 26 of My Everything

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It started as humming. The weak words slipped past my lips, earning me a glare from Marc. Ignoring him, I let the music fill me until I sang along as loud and clear as the sun reflecting on the street.

Occasionally, I shot him a look, and was surprised to see his expression change from grumpy to…

I frowned, and my voice faltered.

“Go on,” he said. “You—it’s good. You sing good.”

A faint smile crept onto my lips, and I didn’t know whether it was from his obvious awkwardness or because of the compliment.

Knowing I should look away but unable to, I kept eyeing him as he fixed his gaze on the road. Dying in this car might not be so bad after all. Not when I had a view clearly worth dying for. When that warm tingly feeling started to spread in my belly, pooling in my loins, I quickly averted my gaze. Damn him and his gorgeous face. I couldn't even look at him and not want to touch him. Clasping my hands in my lap, I hummed along with the song I didn’t recognize in a desperate attempt to distract myself from reaching for him.

A few songs later, I was again lost in the music, and when Hanah Diva’sAt My Worstcame on, I sang without realizing how the lyrics affected me.

Tears slipped down my cheeks and as I sang the lines that hit too close to home, Marc abruptly switched the radio off. The sudden silence echoed in my ears, making my cheeks burn with humiliation as my voice came out loud without the background music to kill it. He cursed under his breath, and my eyes darted to him, and something in me clenched.

I froze.

His stone-hard features were twisted into a mask of held back… what? I didn’t know. I waited, praying the pounding heart against my ribcage wouldn’t kill me.

“I can’t do this, Kaylie,” he growled.

I opened my mouth to speak and closed it as no words came. Several tries later, I managed to whisper, “Do what?”

“This!” he gestured around the car with a sweeping motion. “You!”

“Me?” I echoed.

“Don’t pretend to be so fucking innocent!” he snapped. “You know damn well what you do to me.”

I gulped. I did. And he wasn’t the only one feeling it.

“I’m… I’ll be gone soon,” I whispered, referring to the inevitable transfer to a man I didn’t know. The car swirled to the side, coming to a screeching halt at the hard shoulder. Before I knew what happened, and before the gasp could escape my mouth, he grabbed me and crushed his lips to mine.

She strained against the seatbelt, trying to get closer to me, and in a few moments of weakness, I let her. I fucking enabled her, crushing her to me when I should do the opposite. She was my weakness, and I couldn’t deny it. Not anymore, not when I was about to lose her.

“Marc?” she gasped as I released her mouth. “Don’t stop.”

A twisted grin spread over my lips, then I remembered why kissing her in the first place was a terrible idea.

Her hand trembled as she touched me. Delicate fingers on my arm burned like fire in their wake. I didn’t need this. Her fucking death sentence hung over me like a dark cloud. I didn’t needthat. Before I could pull away, her hand snaked around my neck, pulling me closer. Her lips hovered over mine, hot breaths trembling in anticipation. Did she wait for me to claim her? Could I refuse when she tasted so damn good?

It was wrong. On so many levels. But my body didn’t give a shit. It ached for her. Needed her like she was the fucking air I breathed.

“Kaylie,” I rasped.Don’t. I couldn’t say it out loud. Not this time. But my God, did I need to. This couldn’t go further. I fucking lost it with her. Kissed her when I shouldn’t. And now I had to stop.

She hesitated, trailing those delicious fingers up my neck and to my face. Exploring me. Feeling me. I squeezed my eyes shut so I didn’t have to see her ocean blues search mine.

Her lips found mine. The soft skin, so pink and perfect, was more than I could take. If it was wrong, then why did it feel so goddamn good?

A groan escaped me, making her shudder in response. Her hand slid down my shoulder while the other gripped my hair, refusing to let me go.

I couldn’t, even if I wanted to. I was in too deep, too far gone to go back. She was everything.

“I want you,” she whispered between kisses. “Before I—” she cut herself off, but the unspoken words cut through me like a damn knife.Before I die.

The reality-check did nothing to slake the fire. My fucking cock didn’t care if she was dying. It wanted her as much as the rest of me did.

But my mind reacted. It slammed the brakes. Taking back control. It took all my willpower to push off her.

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