Page 90 of My Everything

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“As in her dumping me? Or dying?” My voice rose with sudden anger I couldn’t contain. “Or what, Johnny? What the fuck are you implying?”

His words cut deep, ripping open wounds never healed. Fears I never allowed myself to feel. I pushed it all away, hid behind a wall of cold anger. Kaylie tore down that wall, and I still adjusted to the roller coaster of emotion I hadn’t felt in a long time. He asked out of concern. Somewhere deep down I knew it. But I couldn’t see it. All I could focus on was how his question voiced everything I tried to deny, to hide from. I didn’t want to fucking deal with the doubt. The fears. All I wanted was her and this moment. If I allowed myself to think further than this…

“She’s a lot younger,” he said, and I scoffed.

“You fucking hypocrite.”

Confusion flittered over Johnny’s features. Then he scowled, shaking his head at my attempt to justify what I already knew teetered on the edge of taboo.

“Bree is twenty-eight,” he snapped. “And she’s not the point.”

I let out a frustrated growl. He was right. Not a day went by, and I didn’t think of the age gap. It was big. And I tried my fucking best not to bethatguy. I didn’t even touch her. Not until recently, and she was the one to push me off the edge. She was not a little girl. She was a young woman, and she knew damn well what she wanted. If that happened to be me…

“I thought you of all people wouldn’t judge me,” I muttered.

Johnny sighed. “I’m not. I…”

“No?” I snapped. “Because it sounds a damn lot like you do.”

“Just be careful,” he said. “I doubt someone like her will stick to one guy the rest of her life.”

“You don’t know her,” I hissed. “Leave her alone!”

“Neither do you!” he exclaimed. “You just met her!”

“I know enough!”

“What, that she looks good naked?”

My fist slammed into his jaw before I could control myself. Johnny staggered back, stumbled on one of the couches, and hit the floor.

Pushing himself to a sitting position, he rubbed his jaw, shooting me afuck youlook.

“Johnny,” I sighed, and he let out a sharp laugh.

“Should have seen that coming.” He got back up, wiping blood off a split lip and grimaced. “You’re gonna hit her too?”

“Of course not!” I snapped, and he sighed, clearly regretting the words the moment they left his mouth.

“That was dick thing to say.” He sunk to the couch, looking at me while rubbing his chin.

“So was punching you. How’s the jaw?”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m bloody used to you.”

The anger faded along with the energy and the increasing ache in my shoulder. Collapsing onto a black leather couch opposite him, I asked, “What’s your problem with her?”

He spoke after a long silence. “It’s not her. It’s—you.”

My eyes narrowed as it dawned on me, and it made more sense. Johnny was the most morally gray person I knew. That he’d be the one to object to Kaylie being younger… it didn’t make sense. Yes, she was just a few years above half my age. Yes, I considered that too many times to count. But after everything we went through, I couldn’t stay away from her. No matter how wrong being with her was.

“I appreciate you looking out for me,” I said at last. “But I don’t need that.”

“I hope so,” he mumbled. “Because I’m going back tomorrow.”

My brows furrowed in confusion. “To LA?”

“No, to Bree. I don’t have to work, and I… I need to be with her.” He looked at me, silently contemplating his next move, and I beat him to it.
