Page 91 of My Everything

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“I don’t like it. There are people out there.”

“They don’t want me.” He chuckled, adding, “For once, I’m not the one in the fucking spotlight. No one would give a shit where I go.”

“Just millions of fans,” I muttered, and he groaned.

“I made it here alone. I’ll catch a flight straight to Kentucky. No one will know.”

I laughed at his attempt to lie. We both knew what would happen. The moment he set foot in the airport, people would flock. It was what I was supposed to be there for. Now, though, I was busy saving my own ass and hiding out in the middle of fucking nowhere.

I sat in silence, feeling his dark eyes on me.

“Do you love her?” he asked, and I choked on a breath. The question was so sudden and so out of the blue it threw me totally off guard. Something inside screamedyes, while my head saidfuck no. It was never the deal. She could be a good time. A sexy little thing to get me through this hell I was forced into. It was never meant to go deeper than that.

I shot him a glare, still fighting for thenothat refused to surface. I couldn't lie to myself any more than I could lie to him.

“Thatsilence,” Johnny said, “is the only answer I need.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“It’s not that fucking hard either.” He shifted to look at me. “You nearly died.”

I scowled at him. “Thanks for the reminder.”

Johnny sighed. “Hey, I get it. It’s fucking hard to take that plunge. If I could, so can you.”

I stumbled into our room way past midnight, kicked off the heels and danced over to Marc, who sat on the couch, staring into the dimly lit room with a blank look on his handsome face. “Where did you go?” My voice was whiny and strange to my ears. “I missed you.”

He looked at me, letting those beautiful steel eyes roam over my body until I shivered under his gaze. “Hey, you.” My hands landed on his shoulders, making him wince from the sudden pressure. “Sorry!” I snatched my hand off his bad shoulder, horrified by my ignorance. How could I forget? Then I giggled, forgetting the mishap, and stepped closer, nudging myself in between his legs.

“Kaylie,” he warned as my hands slid under his jacket. His skin was warm and smooth under my fingers. It felt too good. I needed more. All of him. I fumbled with the jacket, unbuttoning it, and pushing it off his shoulders until it slid down his back and off, melting into the dark leather couch.


I didn’t give him a chance to speak, and instead, pressed my lips to his. A low groan slid into my mouth along with his tongue.

Then he pulled away, moving his face so I couldn’t kiss him again. “Not now,” he hissed. “Not like this.”

“What’s wrong with now?” I pouted, oddly insulted, but still turned on. I crawled onto his lap, pushing him back until he had to support himself on one arm to avoid falling over. I shifted to give myself space to touch him, letting one hand stroke him through the pants. Another giggle left my mouth as he bit back a groan.

“Make love to me,” I murmured. “Make me scream how you said I would.”

He squeezed his eyes shut, growing hard under my touch. A soft gasp I couldn’t stop made him shudder, jerking his hips closer to my hand as he adjusted his position. I wetted my lips, moving to open his pants.

“Kaylie,” he growled. “Wait.” The urgency in his voice made me stop, hand on his belt. I blinked up at him as he scooted away, wincing as he sat back up straight.

I opened my mouth to protest, but he beat me to it. “You’re fucking drunk. I can’t do it like this.”

“I don’t mind, I feel good. I feel so alive!” A total sense of freedom made me wish this night would never end. All the worries, and the fears, all gone away. All what was left was joy. Excitement for this new life, and a burning need to feel him inside me. I waited so long and wanted him so badly. Now I wasn’t even nervous about it.

“But I do,” he snapped. “I fucking mind, Kaylie.”

I blinked at him, not understanding.

He let out a frustrated growl, then he snatched my hand and held it. “I want you. I fucking do. But I need to be sure.”

“Sure about what?” About me? But how could he want me and not want me? Was I supposed to understand this? Because right now, all I could focus on was how my hand tingled in his. How his thumb rubbed against my skin, sending little impulses all thorough my body until something deep in my loins clenched and burned for more.

“That you won’t run away once you know who I am.”
