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With Ilya, I prayed it never happened despite my longing to be a mother someday. I don’t think it would be the same with Elias. He was different from my bastard ex-husband.

But did he want children?

And though he was my husband, I thought it would be too presumptuous to ask him that question. Never mind, we took no precautions to prevent it from happening.

After Claudine discussed with me her idea of a perfect dress, I resigned to bed, tired of the day.

When Elias finally joined me it was minutes after 12. Stubbornly, my eyes decline to close until my husband was next to me.

When he finally lifted the covers and laid beside me, I felt anxious; the way a young girl felt when she saw her crush across the room.

He laid on his back, staring at the high ceilings while I sat with my back against the headboard in silence, only the crackling of the fireplace to soothe us.

“Do you want children?” I muttered, causing his attention to drift from the ceiling to me.

It felt like minutes before he responded as I sat watching him, my fingers moving with the wheels in his eyes; I was nervous.

“No, I have never wanted children,” he said causing my heart to drop.

“Oh,” I said, turning my head from him to stare at the fireplace instead. Since my first night here, it always seemed to be on, making the room much warmer. Yet, I found myself frozen at my husband's 'rejection'.

“Although, I find myself …longing to see my wife bear my children.”

And with his words, he rested his hand against my stomach, and I began to pant like he just sucked the air from the room.

“Round with my children,” he continued, a storm brewing in his eyes.

The cotton panties that I wore to bed stood no chance against the flooding that ensued at his words and his lustful gaze.

With one swift move, I was pulled to lie facing Elias, my nightgown bunched at my waist from the friction.

Elias’ hand lifted my leg so he could ease between the space; his hardened member slated between my wet, covered slit.

“Do you want me to get you pregnant, my sweet Mia?” He said, his voice causing a knot to form itself in my stomach as he drive his cock up and down between my legs.

I stared at him, my eyes cloudy with desire for him, “Yes.”

And just like that my husband and I were bare as he hijacked my body. Holding my face with one hand and the other keeping my leg high, he pumped into me slowly, my breasts jerking with the delayed movements.

Tears formed in my eyes, not of sadness, but of body wreaking pleasure as he grazed that tender spot inside of me over and over again.

“You take me so well,” Elias groaned, my nails dragging along his chest.

Just when I believed my orgasm would overwhelm me, Elias pulled himself from my body and stepped out of the bed, lifting me with him.

He walked to the door that led to the balcony, guiding me to the cold, dark night. My body immediately shivered as the air smacked my body.

However, it didn’t last long because soon, Elias would fix himself behind me and thrust into my tight cunt while my breasts hung over the railing for everyone to see.

Guards lined the perimeters at all hours of the day and night but in that moment I didn't care.

I was in a trance of bliss and there was nothing that would pull me from it.

Let them all see. Let them stare as my husband claimed my body.

Pulling my hair to the side, he kissed my neck and back repeatedly, timing it with his quick thrusts into my dripping cunt as I bellowed into the still atmosphere.

“I want to conceive our child under the stars,” he groaned into my ears and that was all it took for me to convulse around his cock, triggering him to release his seed deep within me.
