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My eyes trailed down his body as I looked at his torn shirt. There was blood on his chest, it was almost hidden by his dark skin.

Though, it was clear that it was from no wound. It was a message. A message for me.

An eye for an eye.

I slammed my hand on the table, my jaw clenched. The beast inside of me was unsettled, like a rabid dog would be.

Alexsei was taking out unsanctioned hits and I would make an example of him. There would be no peace in this fucking country until he paid for his sins against my family.


The drive back to our home was silent. I was in no mood for talking especially when I had to go to my wife and tell her that her brother was killed.

Alexsei was making a statement. He wanted her to pay for killing his father and me – for his embarrassment.

This wouldn’t end how he thought it would though. This wouldn’t end with him killing the king but rather a tale of what happened when you went after the king.

It would end as a tragedy.

I pushed the door to my home and not a second later did my wife come running to me.

My face was stoic as I aimed to carry her someplace alone before I revealed what happened.

“Elias?” She asked, her arms still wrapped around her body.

“Come,” I said as I reached for her hand wanting to shield her vulnerability from everyone. I wanted her to feel safe to express every emotion she needed to.

“No.” The tears already pooling in her eyes as she stepped away from me.

I walked to her, grasping her face with my hands, forcing her to trust me like she has before.

“Let’s go upstairs.”

This time when I reached for her hand, she didn’t shy away.

When I closed the door, simultaneously shutting the rest of the world out, she asked me what she already knew.

“Where is Michael?” Her lip was quivering as the question passed her lips.

“…Baby…,” I whispered, slowly walking to her, ready to absorb the pain she would unleash.

As soon as my arm wrapped around her, she released a deafening scream of agony like a mother that lost her child. A sound I knew all too well. One that I caused mothers to scream when I came for their sons.

Mia’s knees buckled, and despite the pain that shot from my shoulder to my toes, I kept her upright. Her tears soaked the front of my shirt, making it cling to my chest as she mourned her brother; the man she grew up with.

She held onto my waist, the material of my shirt becoming wrinkled under her deathly tight grip. We stood there for what seemed like hours but her cries never ceased- even as I raked my hand through her hair.

Just as I had predicted my wife’s heart broke. She was feeling the utter devastation of losing someone close, someone that she thought would be around forever.

Mia knew his lifestyle; something we shared but she still regarded the men in her life as untouchable. His death would be a reminder of how quickly we were erased from this world.

Made men were never supposed to live until they were old and grey.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


My husband didn’t need to say the words for me to know that my brother was no longer.
