Page 101 of Deceived

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Felix chokes out, “There’s something wrong.”

I look around at all of them as their eyes widen in fear before shooting to me.

I try to ask what’s going on but my tongue feels huge and my mouth is so dry I can’t speak.

The room spins around me. I try blinking hard to clear my vision but it’s no use.

“Run,” Aksel rasps but it’s too late.

I hear a thud right before I smack into the table myself.

Thirty One


I’m experiencing the all-too-familiar sensation of slowly waking up. My mind realizes I’m awake before I can sense anything else.

No sounds, no taste or sight. An empty void providing me bliss from all my problems.

In training, we were knocked around quite a bit. Learning to defend supernaturals required grueling training and a firm hand.

It was nothing compared to growing up with my father.

The blackouts with him were from pain. From the knives, whips, and fists that he ensured never left a mark long enough to be noticed. He wanted me to be perfect, his spitting image in every way.

Keeping him away from Dorielle and focused on me was my only goal.

He never realized I didn’t see eye to eye with him. The day he hit Dorielle, I vowed to destroy him.

Now I need to protect Anna from him.


Sound breaks through, someone is yelling my name.

“Aksel! Wake the fuck up you dickhead!”

I can’t tell who it is but the tone indicates Griffyn.

Time to come back to reality.

I peel my eyes open, the light burning them until I can blink away the black spots.

A groan escapes me.

Griffyn is pulling against his restraints across from me. Restraints?

“What the fuck happened?” I rasp.

Finally, I’m aware enough to take in my surroundings. I’m in the basement of my father’s house. I’ve been down here enough to know. He’s chained my team and me down here. Blaze and Felix are still out.

“Your father drugged us!”

“Anna! Where’s Anna, Griffyn?” I demand.

This is bad, so bad. He has Anna? I’m chained up, weak, and defenseless while my evil father has my mate.

“I don’t know. She wasn’t here when I woke up. What the fuck is going on Aksel?”
