Page 30 of Deceived

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This might ruin the moment, but I can’t go another minute before knowing why.

He tenses, staying quiet for several long seconds before saying, “I am preparing for the ball and how I must act and behave. It’s tiring, being in control all the time, which usually means I spend a day acting outside the norm. It’s refreshing enough to recharge me. That was today. Also, I… find it hard to play the game when you’re around,” he admits.

Does that mean the Aksel I know is a ruse?

“Don’t get used to it. This is the abnormality and you won’t see me like this again,” he says stiffly.

I guess he can’t hide the asshole for too long.

We make it to the car and he directs me inside. I see the clerk flash by my window and go to the trunk which Aksel opens once he’s inside.

I don’t try to break the silence on the drive home, it’s comfortable.

Felix greets me at the door, wrapping me up in his arms before drinking deeply from my mouth. Griffyn follows suit although his kiss feels more like he is fucking my mouth than just kissing it. I’m pretty sure it is a teaser for what’s to come the next time he gets me alone.

Aksel leaves me with them without a goodbye.

When I get to my room later that night, bags are sitting on my bed. Sharp, white bags that look expensive even without knowing what’s inside. I take slow steps to them, uncertain where they came from.

When I pull the first item out, I realize it’s the skirt I was staring at longingly from the boutique. Under it is an assortment of everyday clothes that could be dressed up or down for almost any occasion. The clothes are gorgeous and soft as I pull each item out, examining it. Everything is completely my style, just a more expensive version of it. There’s only one option of where these clothes came from and it challenges everything I know about him.



“Psst! Anna!” I wake up to someone whispering my name.

One glance at Felix confirms he is still asleep. I look around the empty room to see Griffyn hiding behind the door. He sticks his head out and smiles at me.

I laugh. “Griffyn, what are you doing?”

He looks both ways before sneaking over to me, it is utterly ridiculous.

“Want to help me with something?”

I dramatically look around the room too. “What is it?”

He hops in bed next to me, getting close so he can whisper in my ear. “Let’s play a prank on Aksel.”

My smile grows.

“I love that. Do you already have an idea?”

He nods vigorously. “Step one is convincing Felix to keep him occupied.”

I roll over so I’m facing Felix. His buttered popcorn scent fills my nose as I brush it against his.

I see his lips quirk up, betraying his act, but he doesn’t open his eyes.

“Felix,” I whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

“I think you’ll need to do more to wake him up,” Griffyn says. He presses his body against mine so I can feel every hard inch of him.

“I guess I can do that, in the name of pranking Aksel.”

I slide under the covers and our blanket. The hot air surrounds me as I pull his boxers down just enough to release his finger.

I don’t waste time. My warm mouth surrounds his already hard dick, bringing him deep. I bob up and down, using my hand on the parts I can’t take.
