Page 55 of Deceived

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Griffyn and I last a whole two seconds before bursting out laughing. Felix has a huge smile on his face, but Blaze looks concerned.

Aksel comes stomping back into the living room holding a handful of confetti. His eyes zero in on me immediately.

“I’m guessing you had something to do with fucking with my car?”

I cannot stop smiling. “Who? Me?”

His eyes narrow.

“What happened?” Blaze asks.

Felix and Griffyn stay quiet.

“My car is fucking full of stupid fucking confetti!”

Should someone say fuck this many times? That kind of anger can’t be healthy.

The edges of Blaze’s lips twitch.

Aksel points at Griffyn and Felix next. “Don’t think you two aren’t being suspicious as fuck too. The three of you thought this would be funny?”

None of us respond, just giving him blank stares.

“You’re all dead.”

“How come Blaze isn’t to blame?” Griffyn whines.

Somehow Aksel’s eyes get even thinner while he glares at Griffyn.

“Blaze isn’t stupid enough to fuck with me.” Aksel swivels on one foot stomping out of the room and towards the garage.

“You guys covered his car in confetti?” Blaze asks once he’s out of earshot.

“Yes! That reaction was completely worth it! I thought he was going to explode,” Griffyn says.

“I was only the distraction slash lookout. Anna was an accomplice. Griffyn was the mastermind and should be the one at the top of his shit list. Now I have to go sit on watch with him,” Felix complains.

“He might murder you,” Blaze says, staring right at Griffyn.

Griffyn’s eyes only brighten further. “What else is new? He wants to kill me at all hours of the day. At least this time the reason was fucking worth it!”

“Should we apologize?” I ask.

“Fuck it, just leave him pissed,” Griffyn says.

I hear the garage door open and Aksel’s voice shouts, “Felix let’s go! We need to stop at a body shop on the way.”

Felix groans as he stands up. He drags his feet the entire way out.



It’s been weeks of staking out the Garmenta’s house. The guys have taken me a few times. It’s incredibly boring work. Blaze thinks they might have a schedule figured out, but need another week to be sure.

The time with Felix and Griffyn has been great. I get them in between shifts. Blaze and I still haven’t spent as much time together as I would have hoped, but I can tell he’s trying.

I’ve been going down to talk to Rion some nights, like I’m on my way to do now.
