Page 57 of Deceived

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Do I want to tell him? I don’t want to pile onto the guilt I know he’s carrying over everything. I do believe the blame belongs to Killian, but Rion doesn’t feel that way.

“I can see your wheels turning. Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

I take a deep breath. “My life changed and it didn’t feel right anymore. I tried to fake it for a while but ended up dropping out when it became too much. I’m not qualified to be an editor. I started bartending, it fit well, and now I’m here.”

He drops his head into his hands. “I’m sorry Anna, I remember how passionate you were about that dream. Just another thing Killian has taken away. All I want is to be there for you and try to make things right. If I can help you in any way, let me know. Not that there’s much I can do now while I’m down here.”


“No Anna, I do owe you and I will spend as long as you’ll give me trying to make it up to you. Just say okay and accept it because it’s happening.”

“Okay,” I say softly.

His resulting smile is beautiful and boyish. The lack of sparkle in his eyes reminds me just how weak he is.

“Rion, you’re not getting enough blood. Aksel said he’s feeding you, but I’ll tell him you need more. For now, you should drink from me,” I say.

The slight widening of his eyes tells me I’m missing something.

“Anna, you can’t feed me. It’s not safe.”

“Aksel is feeding you though right?” I ask.

I have to check.

“Uh, Anna-”

“He’s not feeding you blood, is he? That fucking prick! How could he lie to me? You’ve been starving this whole time and I’ve just been letting it happen.” I’m fuming mad. How could he do this? Rion should have said something.

“He’s feeding me food, not blood. I’m sure that technicality means, to him, he wasn’t lying. I’m fine Anna. I’m atoning for my sins down here, I don’t deserve blood.” His voice is hoarse.

“You don’t deserve to starve! Are you crazy? You’ve willingly locked yourself up down here while we sort everything out. You should be comfortable!”

I look around at his surroundings and realize how untrue that is. Aksel is going to know I’ve been down here once I confront him, so I don’t need to hide it.

“I’ll be back.”

I hop up before he can respond and charge upstairs.

“Anna!” He shouts, but I ignore him.

I go up to my room first and grab an extra pillow and blanket, next, I go to Felix and Griffyn’s rooms to get some clothes from each of them. Felix is sitting up in bed when I get there.

“What’s up, Kitten? How was your time with Rion?” He asks.

“Did you know Aksel hasn’t been giving him blood?” I ask, my voice hard with anger.

“He hasn’t? That’s low even for him. I didn’t know, but I’ll help get him some. I’ll go right now if you stay up here while I’m gone.”

He takes the edge off my anger with his kindness. He jumped right into action to solve the problem.

“Where would you get blood?”

“There are places vampires can buy blood from. Do you want me to go to one right now?” He asks.

“Yes. Go now, but I’m not waiting to go back down. I’m sure you’ll be quick and Blaze is here if needed. He needs blood now.”

“I’m not leaving when you’re down there with him, but he can have my blood until I can get more.” Felix is firm. If I wasn’t so upset right now, I would think it’s sexy.
