Page 61 of Deceived

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“I could never forget about you. We are mates and you’re stuck with me,” Anna says, even though Felix was only playing with her.

That makes me smirk. “You’re right, my piercings are pretty great. Maybe one day you’ll benefit from them too.”

Felix raises an eyebrow at me. “I’m only interested in Anna, thanks man.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “I meant with Anna between us.” I lean over and slide my nose up her neck, pressing her between us and emphasizing my point.

The way she wiggles between us tells me she likes that idea.

“I wouldn’t hate that,” Felix whispers from her other side.

The perfect moment that was definitely leading towards the best sex of my life is ruined by a crashing noise. Several taps follow that like someone is pelting something at the house.

“What was that?” Anna asks, setting her mug down.

“Not sure,” I say. “Is someone here?”

“No idea but we need to check it out. Anna you look inside, I’ll take the back and Griffyn the front. They could be anywhere so everyone stays sharp,” Felix commands, climbing out of bed.

The three of us go downstairs and split up.

I slowly sneak outside, eyes peeled for any intruders but nothing catches my eye. I’m sure Felix is prowling around the right side of the house from the back, so I check the left.

I search the grounds for signs of an intruder and scan the trees. There’s no movement in the thick branches of the trees.

I’ve just cleared the area when I hear gunshots ringing out from the front of the house and go running.

My first thought is Anna. I put all my speed into getting there and making sure nothing has happened to her.

I slide around the corner to find Anna splayed out on the front porch, not fucking moving. There’s blood bubbling out of her chest but I can’t see where it’s coming from.

Fuck. Fuck!

How did this happen? She was supposed to stay inside while I investigated outside.

Felix’s snow leopard soars past me, roaring its rage at the world. One glance to see I’m with Anna and he goes after the shooter.

My hands tremble as I press them against her stomach and try to staunch the bleeding. I look around for anyone to help, but Felix is on the hunt and the others aren’t even home.

She should be healing, but blood keeps pumping out. I whip my shirt off, using it to mop up the blood and see the wounds. Her lower chest and stomach have three bullet holes.

“Fuck! Fuck! Anna heal!”

I tip her up slightly and realize there are no exit wounds. The bullets are still in her causing havoc. She should be healing around them. What are these bullets doing?

“I’m sorry Anna, this is going to hurt, but it has to happen,” I mutter.

There’s no response from her unconscious body.

Her blood is slippery against my fingers as I dig into the worst wound, looking for the bullet.

Fuck! I think it may have nicked her heart. I can’t push it in further! Her blood is warm and slippery around my fingers.

I just get my fingers around the bullet and pull it out without causing more damage. The others are easier to get out. I toss them all aside until finally she’s bullet free but still not healing.

She’s lost too much blood.

I know what I have to do. The only thing that makes this better is we aren’t mating. It would require her to give me her blood back for two demons to mate with each other. Demons mate by mixing blood.
