Page 62 of Deceived

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My nails transform into claws and I use them to rip my wrist open. I tip her head back and press it against her lips.

“Please forgive me. Please forgive me.”

The blood drips into her mouth and down her throat. She doesn’t react, making me panic even worse.

“Drink! You have to drink it!”

Fucking finally I feel fangs digging into my skin as she sucks on me. Her eyes fly open, staring into my soul.

“Please give me a chance to explain,” I beg.

I watch her wounds knit together just enough to stop the bleeding, relief surging through me.

Her eyes turn accusatory as she releases my wrist, pulling away. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

This is not how I wanted this to come out.

I was just feeling secure enough to entertain telling her that we are mates and the universe punishes me by forcing my hand.

She’s going to kill me. She’s going toleaveme! I have to fix this.

I don’t know how to fix this.


Felix races up to us snarling as he stands over Anna’s body protectively.

I put my hands up. “Felix, you need to calm down, she’s okay.”

His only response is to growl.

Blaze and Aksel appear out of nowhere with rage painted across every line of their bodies.

“What the fuck happened here?” Aksel roars.

Blaze moves right over to Anna but Felix stops him by baring his teeth in a threatening move.

“Anna was shot but she’s okay and conscious,” I reassure them.

My hands are trembling from adrenaline.

Aksel looks around like the shooter will be right there for him to deal with, but if Felix didn’t bring them back then they got away.

“Felix went after them but didn’t bring anything back,” I explain.

“Felix, baby, you need to calm down. I’m right here and they won’t hurt me,” Anna says softly, running her hand down his back.

With each stroke, the snow leopard relaxes until finally he’s not looking at us like we are his next meal. He turns to face Anna, letting her stroke his face while he sniffs at each of the wounds.

Next, he moves to the bullets smelling those too.

Felix shifts back so he’s standing there naked and picks up the bullet.

“This smells like poison, a mixture of different kinds. I can smell wolfsbane most of all, but there’s other stuff in here. I just can’t decipher it over the wolfsbane,” Felix says.

He hands it to Blaze and then wraps himself around Anna who is just sitting there glaring at me.

My world is crumbling around me, but at least she’s alive.
