Page 99 of Deceived

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I’m watching Blaze, trying to figure out what’s underneath that stony exterior when Aksel joins us. He doesn’t run in like Blaze, but he did get here pretty fast considering how recently Felix left.

“You were so starved you couldn’t move? It gave you a horrible migraine?” Aksel asks as he enters the room.

I nod.

When I was a human, I got migraines. I know how horrible they are and that was ten times worse, but there’s no name to describe that so let’s go with migraine.

“It’s progressing. I don’t know how much time we have. We need to act on what Rion told us,” Aksel says.

He’s right.

Rion shoots into the room with his vampire speed, coming up right next to Griffyn. His gaze shoots around the room, noticing the others with a glare before focusing on me.

“You need to take that thing off.”

I grab it, holding it in case he thinks to take it away by force.

“You would have to knock me out and keep me under if we take it off. It’s too dangerous not to.”

He grinds his teeth. “Then we need to do that. It is killing you.”

“Until I am close to death, I’m not doing that. I am going to help find your brother and take care of him. I am not going to give up my life because of him. Never again.” My voice is firm. This is my decision and I have made it. “Even if all that wasn’t true, I have to attend a dinner tonight.”

Killian has already taken so much from me. I’m not letting him take time off my life, again.

“What fucking dinner?” Rion demands.

Felix makes it back to the room, still looking a little pale from blood loss.

I explain about the dinner and Rion’s eyes keep getting wider and wider.

“This is a terrible idea!” Rion roars.

“We know, but we don’t have a choice,” Felix says.

Rion stands there, contemplating things with a thoughtful look on his face.

“At least tell me where you’ll be. Ease my worries.” He asks so earnestly, I can’t help but nod.

I look to Aksel who narrows his eyes but says, “Fine, but don’t fucking show up and get us in even more shit.”

“We need to get ready so, all of you, out,” I say with a shooing motion.

“We don’t have long before we have to leave, I’m going to spend time in my snow leopard form to help regain my strength,” Felix says, following the rest of them out.

I help Griffyn recharge before we go but we don’t have time for a full sex marathon so I know he’s not at full strength.

* * *

This place is ten times more extravagant than the Garmenta’s house. As far as I can tell, the entire house is made of marble. The driveway could fit twenty cars and that’s not including the four massive garages.

A butler opens the door, beckoning us inside. He’s dressed in a tuxedo with a bow tie.

My navy, shimmering cocktail dress doesn’t feel like enough but Aksel dressed me so I have to assume he knows what he’s doing. He didn’t lead me wrong for the ball.

I feel a little better with my red sole shoes that scream money.

The butler takes us back to a formal dining room. Red carpet runs from the doorway into the house like being here is a movie premiere. Aksel did mention his dad has a flare for the dramatics.
