Page 27 of Pure Evil

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“Oh” I am hot at the thought of being intimate with this man for that purpose.

“So, we will, um, be intimate, once.”

Now he openly smiles and then leans forward and says almost tenderly, “Only once, Purity? It takes quite a bit of practice to produce a child.”

“It does?” I’m shocked at that, and he appears almost sad and surprises me by placing his hand over mine, an act that shocks me a little and says kindly, “We won’t do anything you are not happy with. It is not the purpose of this marriage.”


I take a deep breath and nod, trying to regain control and stop my heart from beating so fast.

“I would like my own room, if possible.”

He appears amused. “There are ten bedrooms. You can take your pick.”


I’m shocked and he shrugs. “They came with the house.”

It makes me giggle because he is surprising me. Somehow, he is different from what I first expected. Softer perhaps, and I like that.

“The job, what would it involve? I may need training.”

I say innocently and his eyes flash as he rubs his chin and stares at me through darkening eyes.

“I will train you personally.”

Again, a shiver passes through me as his gaze runs the length of me and I know I should be extremely afraid right now. But somehow, I’m more excited than afraid and it’s as if I am falling into a deep abyss that has no bottom.

There are so many emotions inside me and sensations I have never experienced before, and it’s all because of him and the opportunity he is offering me.

“Will we travel?”

I’m eager for details and he nods. “I own a private jet. We can go anywhere in the world. Just ask.”

“The world!” My eyes are wide because this is unexpected.

He will give me the world.

That is an offer I would be a fool to refuse.

He leans forward and says in a deep, husky voice.

“I can offer you a life you could never imagine. There is nothing I can’t give you. The only thing I expect in return is loyalty. You will enjoy freedom in our marriage to an extent as you desire, but it must always be business first.”

“What extent?” My heart is beating furiously, and I recognize it’s excitement and he says with an intensity to his expression that takes my breath away.

“You trust me. Don’t question me and accept that everything I do is for your safety and comfort. I will educate you, teach you how to be the perfect woman, and build you into a strong one. You will push aside everything you think you know because you know nothing, Purity. The world is a dangerous, amazing place that can be beautiful with the right man beside you, or it can be brutal. You have already experienced that brutality. Let me show you the beautiful side.”

“Okay.” I nod my head slowly, knowing I couldn’t say no if I tried. He is telling me everything I ever wanted to hear and is staring at me as if I am the most important person in his life. It’s intoxicating, intense and addictive, and right in this moment, I trust this man with my soul.


He raises his eyes and I say slightly breathlessly. “I accept your offer in principle. Draw up the contract and I will read it through and if I am happy, I will sign it. Thank you for the offer, Mr. Vieri. I won’t let you down.”

For some reason, he smiles but the expression in his eyes doesn’t match. If anything, they are even more turbulent now as something flashes in them I can’t quite place. It strips the breath from inside me and causes my heart to race and I couldn’t look away now if I tried because it’s as if he has cast a deep spell over me and my soul now belongs to him.

