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"Okay, so as I was saying, I’m only telling you this because I care about you, darling. I don't want you to experience the same thing I did," Anna says with a sudden serious tone.

"I still don't believe you, Like… I… I didn't even think about this," I say.

"I can understand, but before you do anything, you should discuss this with him and clarify it. I only told you what I know, but Ethan can explain it much better," she says.

Sarah's caring behavior is captivating. I always enjoy her presence, no matter the situation. The way she handles every situation blows my mind. She can tell me about dangerous situations without getting me worked up.

As we talk, Ethan enters the café. I give him a gesture to come toward me.

“Hey, Olivia…who’s this?” Ethan asks.

“Uh…Sarah this is my boyfriend, Ethan. Ethan this is my best friend, Sarah” I say introducing both to each other. "What are you doing here, Ethan?"

"Well, you told me you are going to this coffee shop, and I was feeling lazy today, so I thought I could join you guys. Is there an issue?" he says.

"No… no, you can stay. I have important work I need to get done, so I'll see you guys later," Anna says, giving me a wink indicating that I should confess to Ethan.

"Goodbye, Anna," Ethan says.

It's unbelievable how Ethan hasn't even met Anna yet and still says goodbye to her.

As I sip the coffee, the adrenaline from the caffeine gives me the courage to tell Ethan what I’ve just learned about his past.

"So, what were you guys talking about?" Ethan asks curiously.

"Were you indulged in cheating before entering the team?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

"Umm…" he thinks for a second, contemplating the situation. "What are you talking about?" he asks in utter confusion.

"Were you taking drugs before you made the team?" I ask again, this time with much anger in my voice.

"Listen, Olivia. I don't know what your friend told you, but I want you to understand that I’m not the same person anymore." His voice is tinged with regret.

"Why didn’t you tell me this before?"

His gaze drops, drawing different patterns on the table. "I was afraid, Olivia. Afraid that you would leave me if you knew what I did in my past, but I promise I have changed. I never used drugs after I got on the team."

I take a deep breath and extend my hand to shake his. "Ethan, I'm at a loss for words. Everything is different now; we are both in a relationship, we can’t keep secrets from each other. I want to think that you've changed and that our relationship is stronger now than ever." I say with resolve.

Ethan stretches for my hand and clasps it as his eyes flash with optimism. "Olivia, I know I can't undo the past, but please believe I’m different now than I was then. I've fought hard to overcome that darkness, and I want to create a future with you, free from the ghosts that follow me."

His remarks strike a chord deep inside me and bring up a range of feelings. Despite the difficult and unknown path ahead, I can’t ignore the love that holds us together. I lean in and gently rub my lips against his in a subtle declaration of my resolve to be with him.



OliviaandIsitacross from one other in a pleasant nook of a small coffee shop, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air. The disclosure of my tumultuous background still lingers in the air as the weight of our recent chat hovers between us. However, there’s also a fresh understanding and a tenuous connection that has somehow weathered the storm.

As Olivia sips her coffee and traces the lip of the cup with her fingers, her eyes are filled with uncertainty and interest. I know she needs confidence and a demonstration of my dedication to her and our relationship. I, therefore, lean forward while taking a big breath, my heart beating quick.

"Olivia, I want to show you that I’m committed to our future together. If you're open to hearing it, I have a suggestion that could benefit us both." I say in a firm tone.

She puts her coffee cup down as her anxious and curious eyes fixate on me. "What concept?"

I take a brief moment to collect my thoughts. "What if we… um, act like we're married?"

Olivia stares at me for a brief moment without flinching, and suddenly a laugh shoots out of her mouth. "You’re joking, aren't you? It's not a perfect time, Ethan," she says.
