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"Anna? What's wrong?" A glint of anxiety can be seen dancing inside Olivia's widening eyes. I approach, eager to support and learn more about the call that interrupted our perfect day.

As Olivia listens carefully, her face begins to droop, and she grips the edge of the display shelf with her hand. I extend my own hand and place a reassuring palm on her back while coaxing her subtly to continue talking. Her eyes, which are filled with pain and astonishment, meet mine.

"Anna... I can't... I can't believe this," Olivia stutters, her voice trembling. She attempts to center herself by taking a big breath. "Are you sure? How could...?"

An abrupt change in the environment causes my heart to pound in my chest, and I feel uneasy. As the seconds pass, it becomes clear that the news Anna is imparting has a heavy load as her voice reaches Olivia, muted yet desperate. Olivia's knuckles go white as she tightens her grasp on the phone.

"There is no way," she says. Olivia's voice finally breaks the prolonged quiet. "Alright, Anna. I appreciate you informing me. I... I need time to think about this." She drops the phone to her side and hangs up, her fingers shaking.

She turns to face me with watery eyes from unshed tears. "Ethan," she mumbles, her voice heaving with shock. "A news headline claims that you raped your ex-lover, Luna."

My universe crumbles into a million shattered pieces as my heart drops. An icy coldness comes over me as I try to process how significant those words are. I was accused of doing an awful crime that I had never committed. It seems as if time has stopped, and reality has been horribly distorted.

As I strain to recall someone named Luna, a feeling of nostalgia overcomes me. An explosion of recollections of a captivating, alluring, and lovely female burst, mixed with a tinge of regretful reminiscence. Even though our relationship was short—only five months—it burned brightly and all too fast.

Olivia reaches out and takes my hand in the midst of the confusion. "Ethan, could you please reassure me that this is false? You didn't actually treat a woman that badly, did you?" She gives me a demanding, long look. "I really need to hear the truth from you."

"No, Olivia! I promise I didn't. Yes, I've been a playboy in the past, but I've never forced myself on a lady," I say with honesty.

"Ethan, I accept your argument, but we must make a reconciliation. Her baseless charges against you might jeopardize our whole image," Olivia said, her worry evident.

"Don't worry, Olivia. I'll talk to her and make sure the truth comes out," I inform her, my resolve in my voice clear.

"And I will stand by your side every step of the way," Olivia says. Her unshakable support makes me feel grateful and determined.

My eyes start to tear up, a mixture of thanks and despondence. That’s when I understand the depth of our love. Olivia stays by my side despite the storm that looms above us, an anchor amid the storm and a trustworthy source of strength.

"Okay, so how do we begin?" Olivia inquired.

"I need to make a phone call first. I’ve saved all the names and addresses of my past lovers in my diary, but it's currently at the penthouse," I explain.

"You actually made a diary of all your ex-lovers?" Olivia exclaims, a mixture of surprise and amusement evident in her voice.

"Duhhh!" I replied with a playful smirk.

"You're absolutely crazy, Ethan! Well, come on then, let's go," Olivia urged, ready to embark on our mission together.

As Olivia and I get inside my vehicle, the engine starts up, and I feel a rush of resolve go through me. There’s a cloud of uncertainty over my reputation because of the weight of Luna's allegations, which hang heavily in the air. The only place to locate the truth must be inside the pages of my journal, which is hidden away in my penthouse.

Upon arriving at my penthouse, I hurry to take Olivia inside as my heartbeat races with excitement. The diary, which records the contacts and addresses of my most profound relationships, contains the solution to Luna's deception.

I frantically look around in my room for the leather-bound book. After a few anxious seconds, I eventually find it on a bookshelf and brush off the cover with shaking hands. Olivia's eyes show her steadfast faith in me, and her gaze never wavers.

"Found it," I exclaim.

Opening the diary brings up both pleasant and unpleasant memories. As my fingers scroll over the pages, they scan the text for the address I'm looking for and to my surprise, I found out that Luna's house is only a few miles away, where we will face her and reveal the truth.

Olivia and I set off on the last stage of our trip, we approach Luna's home, its intimidating exterior gives off the impression of a castle that is protecting the secrets that have ripped our lives apart.

I ring the doorbell resolutely, the sound reverberating through the quiet. Moments pass as suspense grows, and then the door finally creaks open. Luna is standing in front of us, her eyes displaying a combination of wonder and trepidation.

"Ethan! What on earth are you doing here?" she asked, her voice laced with astonishment.

"I came here to resolve our issues so you can retract the accusations you've made against me," I state firmly, determined to address the situation head-on.

Her countenance wavers as the façade of lying briefly disappears. She extends an invitation to enter while maintaining a protective demeanor with just a hint of vulnerability. I immediately realize we have made progress in learning the truth.

"I understand that our relationship ended on a sour note without mutual understanding. But fabricating false accusations won't solve anything, Luna," I begin, trying to address the situation calmly.
