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"Very well." he nods, ready to fulfill my request.

Anxiety rises up within me as Ethan drives us to my gallery. I've been eager to tweak my artwork and add the finishing touches that would make my idea come to life. The radio is quietly playing in the background, providing a calming soundtrack to our trip.

When we get to the gallery, I get ready to exit the vehicle because I'm excited to explore the realm of creation. My phone buzzes in my backpack as I reach for the door handle. Aiden's name flashes on the screen as I reclaim it. My pulse pricks with curiosity and a tinge of worry.

I answer the call, bringing the phone to my ear. "Aiden, what's up?" I ask, trying to hide the worry in my voice.

Aiden's voice crackles with a hint of rage. "Emma, I need you to come over to my place immediately. And bring Ethan with you," he commands, with no space for compromise in his tone.

"Aiden, what’s happening? Why do you sound so irate?" My voice quivers in confusion and uneasiness as I ask.

"I'll explain when you arrive," Aiden says, his voice firm and unrelenting, "Just come. I’m waiting.” As he hangs up, I’m left with more questions than answers.

I look across at Ethan with worried eyes. "Aiden sounded quite disturbed, Ethan. He requests that both of us visit his home," I say, my voice still unsteady. "I have no clue what's happening."

"Did he find out about the accusations?" Ethan questions, his concern palpable in his voice.

"I don't know. He didn't mention anything," I reply, unsure of the true intentions behind Luna's encounter with Ethan.

"Damn it. Can't we just have a normal day?" Ethan exclaims, frustration seeping into his words.

"We don't have enough information yet. Let's not jump to conclusions prematurely," I advise, trying to quell his anxiety and maintain a sense of calm amidst the uncertainty.

Ethan's face tenses in worry as he looks to me for confidence. "Olivia, let's leave," he replies with a determined tone. "Whatever is occurring, we need to confront it together."

I nod in agreement with Ethan's assessment, and then we get back in the vehicle. The stillness during the drive to Aiden's home is only broken by the sound of our beating hearts, which adds to the stress.

As we approach Aiden's house, my chest starts to tighten with anxiety. I take a big breath in, gaining the courage to face whatever is within waiting for us. Ethan reaches out to take my hand, and his touch gives me strength and comfort.

We exit the car and head toward the door. I stretch out and push the doorbell as we get closer to it, which causes the ringing to reverberate throughout the room. As Aiden unlocks the door, we’re gripped with curiosity about what lay within.

No one greeted us after a short period of waiting. I ring the doorbell once more in the hopes of getting a response, but nothing happens.

"Why would he call us if he's not even home?" Ethan ponders aloud. His confusion is evident.

Curiosity gets the better of me, and I decide to try the doorknob. To my surprise, the door swings open. "It's unlocked, which is unusual since Aiden is usually quite security-conscious," I remark, a hint of concern in my voice.

We cautiously enter the house, only to find it eerily quiet, almost as if it has been abandoned. As we venture further inside, we reach Aiden's room. Stepping into the darkness, our eyes struggling to adjust, a sudden explosion startles me. It’s Aiden, holding a party popper.

"What the hell, Aiden?" I exclaim, taken aback by the unexpected burst of noise.

"Man, you scared the life out of us!" Ethan adds, a mix of surprise and relief in his voice.

Aiden chuckles at our startled expressions, finding amusement in our reaction. In response, I playfully nudge Aiden's shoulder with my arm, a lighthearted reprimand for the scare he had given us.

Where confusion formerly reigned in my heart, a spark of hope is now gradually blossoming there like a weak flower. Ethan tightens his grip on my hand as he waits for a response.

"What's going on, Aiden? Why did you give us such a stern order to arrive?" I inquire, my voice trembling with a combination of anxiety and curiosity.

Aiden's eyes seem to be at peace as he stares at me. "I intended to talk to you both, but I see now that I went about it the wrong way," he continues, his voice tinged with regret.

My head is clouded with uncertainty, and I have many questions.

"Aiden, what's going on? Why the sudden change?" Ethan intervenes with a mix of caution and concern.

Aiden's smile becomes more prominent as he approaches, and he begins to talk with a compassion I haven't heard in a while. "I wanted to express regret," he begins alternately glancing between me and Ethan. "I've been judgmental and stubborn, but I can see now that it was unfair."

I sigh.
