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"And after giving it some serious thought, I've come to a decision," Aiden announces, his tone carrying a mix of sincerity and concern.

Curiosity piqued, I can’t help but ask, "So, what have you decided?"

Aiden takes a moment, his gaze shifting between Ethan and me. "Olivia, Ethan is my best friend, and you're my sister. I just wanted to ensure that both of you are truly committed to each other. I didn't want to see either of you end up hurt or disappointed," he explains, his words filled with genuine care.

"I completely understand, Aiden. Thank you for looking out for us and taking care of us," I reply, feeling a sense of gratitude toward Aiden's protective nature.

"It's okay, Emma. I've seen the way you two have weathered storms together, how much you care for each other. I think I have no more problems with Ethan sleeping with you," Aiden says as we all chuckle.

"Shut up, man!" Ethan says sarcastically as they hug each other, a genuine smile gracing both their faces. "I hope you can forgive me and see that I want nothing but happiness for both of you," he says, his voice laced with newfound warmth.

As the tension vanishes, a burden leaves my shoulders to be replaced by forgiveness and understanding. We stand there together in this newly discovered reconciliation, aware that our relationship is closer than ever.

A transformation that I could never have predicted has been brought about by Aiden's unanticipated surprise. Right now, I am reminded of love's tenacity and capacity to mend broken connections and heal scars. My heart is filled with fresh optimism as we leave Aiden's home because I know that our path together is more enduring and successful than ever.



WelcomebacktoSportzTV.We’re here reporting on the latest sports scandal that tops Jetson tackling the umpire by accident! Our resident celebrity basketball star, Ethan Reyes was seen hiding from the paparazzi with a woman."

The channel changes.

"Ethan Reyes' mysterious partner is no known celebrity. However, she is frequently seen going to Urban Gallery for long periods. We assume she works there or even maybe is the owner.

The channel changes again.

"Helen, what do you think about this relationship?"

"I don't know what to tell you, Mark. I mean, sports and art are two different worlds. Looking at Mr. Reyes in his prime settling for an ordinary woman is quite disappointing. I expected him to have more class."

"That's a strong opinion, Helen. Don't you think saying this will get you on the wrong side of Mr. Reyes' fan base? I heard they are quite formidable."

Helen waves the comment off, unbothered.

"Oh please, I’m allowed to express my opinion. Besides, Ethan's fanbase is also torn apart. People don't know if they want to support him or be angry that he didn't choose someone better or themselves instead."

I flip to another channel for the third time that morning.

"Now I know some people are speaking up against Ethan's choice of partner. However, I feel sorry for the girl! That poor woman has no idea what she has gotten herself into. Men with wealth, especially if they are known as playboys, will always remain the same. They have enough riches that they think they are above morality. I wonder what this man plotted to trap the poor girl with him and how long it will be till he moves on to the next one?"

I grit my teeth in anger. They all have many opinions based on rumors, speculations, and assumptions. Not one of them is close to the truth. How dare they speak so negatively about Olivia, who's the kindest and most forgiving soul out there? Who cares if she is a celebrity or not? I didn't fall in love with her because of her status, I fell in love because of her mind, her heart, her thoughts, and her actions. Why can't they see that?

A small hand settles on my arm. I look down at it, and I’m so tense I’m causing my veins to pop out, a stark contrast against Olivia's soft skin.

"Shh, it's alright. They’re wrong about you. You never trapped me. I chose you out of my free will, and even if the wheel of time turned back to those moments again forever, I would still choose you."

I stare at Olivia in bewilderment. Here I am angry for her, and she calms me down with her beautiful words, misunderstanding that I am angry about what they said about me instead of what they say about her. I cup her cheek and watch her lean against my hand, nuzzling it.

"Sweetheart, I'm not mad at what they say about me. I'm angry at what they said about you. You don't deserve this."

Olivia presses a kiss against my palm and smiles.

"I don't care about what they say. The only opinions I care about are Aiden’s and yours. Aiden gave us his blessing, and you haven't given a reason for me to doubt you, so why should I care about what irrelevant people say?"

Olivia puts on a brave face, yet I see through it. I know about her anxiety. It’s part of why we had so many issues getting together in the first place. I know I should say something, but if Olivia wants to try being brave, then I'll let her. However, I'll remain close, so I'm there to pick her up whenever she breaks down.

I gently kiss her forehead.
