Page 21 of A Dragon's Curse

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The relief I felt at seeing Estelle there, holding a light at her side, instead of Knox, was huge. I had enough motivation that I felt like I could have beaten Knox, but this just made things easier.

“Let’s go,” she grumbled. “Knox requires your presence.”

Staying in the shadows as much as I could, I carefully slid off the bed and backed against the wall. “I don’t want to go.”

She raised a hand and stepped toward me, just far enough out of the way of the door like I’d hoped.

Now, I said to my wolf, and she pushed forward with a ferocity unlike I’d ever experienced from her.

Within the blink of an eye, we’d shifted, and there was a faint glow inside the room. Estelle paused, narrowly missing a claw to the face, but couldn’t get out of the way before we slammed into her, our head driving into her stomach and knocking her against the opposite wall.

Her limp body was only in our peripherals for the briefest of seconds before we were barreling down the walkway between cells.

I felt bad for Darius—the only other person I knew to be down here—but I had to save myself before I could save anyone else.

Claws dug into the dirt surface, propelling us forward faster as I recalled the way we’d come before. Though, the counting of steps was no longer helpful considering I wasn’t the one taking them.

I know where I’m going, my wolf said, turning sharply down another hallway.

We saw no one else for much longer than I expected, but there was a roar that echoed behind us that I had no problem hearing.

Faster, I urged.

We still didn’t know if we were going to be able to open the door. Knox had said he was the only one that could open it when we arrived, but I had a small hope that people could leave of their own accord.

I would have liked to find that out ahead of time, but the opportunity had never come. Trial by fire would have to be good enough.

“Dawsyn!” Knox screamed from somewhere too close behind me.

We’re almost there, my wolf assured me as we continued to run.

There were two guards in front of us. Two men who weren’t moving out of the way. I didn’t know if they deserved to die or not, but we were left with very few choices when we got to them.

One swiped clawed hands at our front flank and the other grabbed onto our throat, squeezing hard.

Our saving grace was that none of these tunnels were big enough for them to fully shift, but that didn’t mean these dragon shifters weren’t tapping into their beasts’ strength.

We kicked our hind legs out, pushing back one attacker and forcing him to release our throat. Without overthinking, my wolf’s teeth ripped into the next guy’s throat, tearing it out in one go.

The other one got back up, and we charged forward, cutting into his stomach with our claws and ramming him into the wall hard enough to knock him out.

If someone helped him soon enough, he might live, but that wasn’t my concern at the moment.

Knox’s bellows were too close for comfort, and the door was still too far away.

We’re going to make it, my wolf vowed, and I did my best to keep her optimism at the forefront of my thoughts.

Two turns later and the stairs to the exit were right there in front of us. Just when we turned to go up, Knox’s fist rammed into our side, knocking the air from our lungs.

Fuck, that hurts.

While I was stuck processing the pain, my wolf was still in defensive mode. She whipped our body around and bared her teeth at Knox, who merely laughed at us.

“Oh, Little Wolf,” he cooed. “You’re not leaving here until I’m done with you.”

He reached forward, grabbing onto our front leg, and my wolf didn’t hesitate in biting the shit out of his arm.

We have to hurt him enough that we’ll have time to shift and me to open the door, I reminded my wolf.
