Page 65 of Ruthless Possession

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And if all goes smoothly at the meet, I will be in a position to bed her more quickly.

Tonight, I intend to take my wife up to my rooms above the club and fuck her until she screams for mercy. For oblivion. But not before we both ascend to heaven when she wraps her arms and legs around me, and I release my hot and willing seed deep inside her beautifully tight pussy.

Bianca is mine, and tonight I intend to stake my claim in a way that ensures she forgets everything about her past, and knows thatIam her only option for the future.

* * *


I expectto ascend the elevator to Rio’s penthouse apartment, or at least to the level where his office is situated, but instead, the goons take me straight to the VIP area of the club. It is late, already after eleven, but I guess in this world of darkness, meetings at night are commonplace, and 11:00 p.m. in clubland is probably considered early, not late.

The music hums through me in a lowthump thump thumpas I spy Rio in the mezzanine lounge area above the dance floor. He is sitting on one of the couches in a relaxed pose, his arms outstretched along the back of the couch and one ankle resting lightly on his other knee.

He looks brooding and sexy, and I wish I had the courage to simply sashay right up to him and climb confidently onto his lap, mushing my pussy against his groin and ignoring everyone else in the area.

I don’t do anything of the sort, of course. Instead, I simply walk toward him, past the VIP bar where I sat to watch his business dealings last time I was here. As I near him, a female server arrives ahead of me and bends forward to deliver him a tray of drinks. The move thrusts her ample breasts right into his face, and jealousy rears up inside me, fast and unexpected.

He’s mine.

The sensation of the music in my veins is almost tribal, primitive. The beat seems to suit my wild mood.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

Part of me is terrified to tell him my news, and the other part wants to blurt it out and gauge his reaction.

He is my husband. And soon, he will be the father of my child.

How will he feel about that?

He ignores the server, and she pouts and moves away. His gaze remains fixed on me, intense and unreadable, and I can’t help the slightly exaggerated sway of my hips as I make my way across the last of the space to close the gap between us.

It doesn’t seem to matter what my brain thinks. My body automatically switches into sexy mode whenever Rio is nearby.

I stop in front of him and stare down, waiting to hear what he wants from me. I am both desperate to speak, and equally desperate to keep my secret for just a little while longer.

The push-pull is no different from anything else I’ve felt when it comes to interactions with this man. He inspires conflict within me at every turn.

As if he senses my inner turmoil, his eyes narrow slightly. Then his mouth curves up at the corners. Does he enjoy the knowledge that he has me going around in circles with my emotions?

He pats the seat next to him and, when I comply, lowers his hand to stroke my thigh. The flesh is exposed as my dress has ridden up slightly, and the feel of his fingertips against my skin causes goose bumps to rise up in the wake of his touch.

I lift my chin and meet his gaze. In that moment, he allows his mask to slip. The burning passion I read in the depths of his eyes causes my breath to catch in my throat.

“You look beautiful, Bianca. Sexy as fuck.” His voice is low and raspy, and yet I can hear him perfectly despite the thrum of music in the background.

It is as if my system is finely tuned to him, and even with the sounds of a club full of people rising around us and trying to invade our space, somehow there is only Rio.

“But then, you always do,” he adds.

“You didn’t come to me last night.”Shit. I don’t mean to say that, but the accusation just pops straight out of my mouth.

One of his brows rises briefly. “Did you miss me, wife?”

Now it’s my turn to narrow my eyes. “What do you think?”

“Say it.”

