Page 12 of Shae’s Bounty

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“Are you sure this is right?” Zell asks for the second time.

I’ve triple-checked the coordinates on the tracker and nod. “This is it.”

Taking up the view screen is what looks like an abandoned station.

“Do you think they could have found your tracker and stashed it here, to send you off their trail?”

I suppose it’s possible. But something gnaws at me, telling me that isn’t the case. “No,” I tell him flatly. “This is the place.”

Zell lets out a long sigh and opens his mouth, no doubt to argue with me, when a cruiser suddenly snaps out of hyper.

We both hold our breath as it slowly passes us on its way to the abandoned station. We watch as it disappears into a blank wall, a holographic shimmer revealing that it’s actually an active docking bay.

“That looked like a Mozap cruiser,” I say through gritted teeth. Catching the treacherous species in the same space as Kurrahstka just solidifies that we’re in the right place.

“If that’s the case,” Zell sighs, “then your girl is in very deep shit.”

“How good is your cloaking?” I ask.

Zell turns an incredulous look at me. “They passed by, didn’t they?”

“Can it stay cloaked even if we dock inside?”

“You insult me,” Zell growls as he flips some switches and sends the cruiser following after the Mozaps.

The holo-barrier parts to let us through, and we collectively tense, waiting for an alarm to sound. But nothing happens. Kurrahstka must think this station is hidden well enough that he doesn’t need to worry about security.

Carefully, Zell sets us down at the opposite end of the bay from the Mozaps, and we sit and wait for the gelatinous creatures to exit their cruiser and disappear into the station.

“How are we going to find the females?” I wonder out loud. The station isn’t large, certainly not as large as Kurrahstka’s pleasure house, but it’s still big enough that if we go in wandering blindly, we’re bound to be caught.

Swiveling his seat, Zell reaches behind him and grabs a small handheld device from the wall. With abeep, he powers it on and turns back to the view screen, where a map of the station lights up. Transposed over the map are different colored dots.

“These are all the beings inside the station,” he explains.

There are dozens of green and brown dots, which looks to me like security. And probably service staff. We watch as three purple dots make their way into a large, centralized room where they are greeted by a red dot. That must be Kurrahstka, and the purple dots must be the Mozaps.

They make their way down a long hallway toward another large room where two gray dots seem to be waiting. “What are those?” I ask.

“Unknown species,” Zell says.

That’s them.

And Kurrahstka is leading those slimy lumps of filthstraight to them. Straight toher.

I don’t realize I’ve stumbled to my feet until Adrazell’s hand clamps down on my wrist, stopping me from running off halfcocked. “Wait,” he warns me.

At the look I shoot him, Zell releases me and steps back. Closing my eyes, I force myself to calm down.

“We need to wait for Kurrahstka and the Mozaps to leave. We need them alone,” he tells me. But I don’t want to hear it.

“I can’t. I don’t trust thosefuckersalone with them.”

“They aren’t,” Zell assures me, pointing at the screen. “Kurrahstka is there. He isn’t the type of male to let anything happen to his merchandise before it’s been bought and paid for.”
