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“Well, yeah. All the signs were there. He sucked my blood, and I came so hard that I forgot my name. And when he totally lost his shit last night, after vomiting out his guts from the roller-coaster ride, I stopped his hangry rampage. He came this close,” she held up her thumb and forefinger, “to snacking on some kids. But then I kissed him, pulled him out of it, and fed him.”

So Maxton lied.Did the tough, fearless vampire feel embarrassed about having feelings for MF? It was the only conclusion.

“But you say he’s not actually your mate?” Damien asked.

“No. He was just putting on the charm the entire time, making me think he liked me.” MF pressed her palm to her forehead. “I’m such an idiot, Damien. A bona fide bonehead. I really thought he was the one.” She sighed. “But I guess I got what I deserved. I mean, what was I thinking? I should’ve known better than to buy his act. It was exactly the same way Stewart Hedgeworth lured me to his hotel room.”

Damien did not like the sound of this story. Mostly because he knew it would end in a very ugly place. “I am sure it was very traumatic, MF. And it is something you should leave in the past.”Please say no more. I have endured enough drama this morning.

“I have. Mostly. But how can I ever forget? I was just this naïve, sweet young woman wanting to break free from my parents and see the world. No more hemp weaving. No more organic apples and canning jams. No more chickens and eggs and lavender sachets. Sure, they were making millions with their all-organic brands, and yes, I stood to inherit it all, but that wasn’t the life I dreamed of for myself. Then along comes this dark, seductive, exotic creature of the night, promising to show me the world and love me forever. All I had to do was hand myself over to him. And I did, Damien. I fell for his spiel. Hook, line, and sinker.”

“Wait. Did you just say you inherited your family’s multimillion-dollar enterprise?”

“Yes. Marv and Mary’s Organics. I ran their hemp clothing division. Mostly my designs, but eventually I had to hire help and just focus on the business.”

Damien’s jaw slacked. He was not into organics, but this brand was on every shelf, in every supermarket. There was even a shop downtown dedicated to their organic clothing.

“You told me your parents were poor hippies and made you sew your own clothes. That was how you learned.”

MF shrugged. “All true. Except for the poor part. They died very rich.”

“You said you were homeless.”

“And I was. I’d just sold my townhouse, wanting to upgrade to a house closer to the farm, when that vampire killed my folks. And after what happened, I couldn’t live at their place. Eventually, I sold it along with the company.”

“For how much?” Not that it mattered, but she’d been portraying the down-and-out lost child.

“I don’t know. A lot, I guess. I gave some to charity. But that’s not the point. I should’ve kept the company. I should’ve taken it over and guarded their legacy. But I was just too devastated over losing them. And it was all my fault, Damien. If only I hadn’t trusted Stewart. But I did. And here I am, falling for the same bullshit again.” MF sighed. “I am a stupid human.”

“You are not stupid, MF.” He put his hand on her shoulder.

“Then why did I trust a vampire again?” she snapped.

“You tell me.”

“Because I wanted it so badly. I thought if I lived long enough and worked really hard, I could buy back my parents’ company and do right by them. That’s why when Cimil said being a vampire was my destiny, I trusted her.”

Damien couldn’t believe his ears. Here was this young woman he believed was a nomadic misfit, but she was really an heiress.California is so confusing. People who dress like they’re homeless but are worth millions, and people who dress like they’re worth millions but are bankrupt.

MF’s eyes started tearing as she turned for the door.

“You’re leaving?” Damien asked.

“I just came by to drop off the demons. They overate, so don’t let them in the dressing rooms.”

“Where are you going?” Damien asked.

“To visit my parents’ grave. I have to tell them I failed.” MF opened the door and returned quickly with the demon stroller. “Here you go, boss.” She kissed her fingertips and pressed them to each demon’s sleeping face. “You guys are awesome little demons with really good hearts. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Be good.”

MF left.

“That fucking prick. I’ll tear his dick off.” Maxton appeared behind Damien, fists balled.

“Are you all right?” Because MF did not have a dick. Not that Damien had checked, but it was the sort of thing a tailor noticed. Bulges had to be accounted for.

“No,” Maxton snarled.

“I’m sure MF will get over your falling-out, Maxton. She is not the sort of woman to give up on life because of a man. And she is no threat to you, so best to leave her genitals alone.”
