Page 31 of Keys To My Cuffs

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I woke to the smell of bacon, and it made my stomach turn.

Lurching out of bed, my feet became tangled in the blankets and I fell face first onto the floor.

“Fuck,” I gasped as I struggled free of the blankets and dashed to the bathroom.

The door was partially closed, and in my peripheral vision I saw Loki, but I headed straight for the toilet, retching up what was left of my meatloaf dinner from over twelve hours ago.

“Is that all you ever do?” Loki asked from somewhere behind me.

Gasping for breath, I picked my head up, swiped the top of my forearm across my lips, and nearly fell over when I saw the huge red slash across Loki’s lower abdomen. It went from his left hip to the bottom of his ribs.

“Is that a knife wound?” I screeched.

He looked over at me, but kept running his fingers down the gash, making me follow his movements with my eyes.

“Yep. Happened last night,” he confirmed. “Been in less than twenty four hours and he’s already had someone ready to hit me when I least suspected. Fucking Dortea has her goddamned head in the clouds half the time. She needs to get with the program.”

“Holy fucking shit! How did you, ah,” I blushed. “Have sex with that.”

“Nothing wrong with my dick, sweetheart. It’s on my belly,” he said dryly.

“But,” I shuttered. “I was running my hands all along your chest and belly last night. I hurt you!”

He gave me a level look. “I would’ve told you if you hurt me, and trust me, you didn’t hurt me.”

I looked at the angry looking gash skeptically. “Whatever you say.”

“I made breakfast,” he told me before placing the tube of antibiotic cream back in my medicine cabinet.

“I could tell,” I said sarcastically as I went to the sink and brushed my teeth.

As the bristles met the back of my tongue, I started to gag again.

“You sick or something?” He eyed me warily.

“Bacon is disgusting,” I hedged as toothpaste ran out of my mouth and down my chin.

“Why? Who doesn’t love bacon? And if you don’t like it, why is it in your fridge?” he asked.

Spitting the last of the toothpaste into the sink, I held my mouth under the tap, swished, and spit before using the towel next to my head to dry my face off.

Turning to him, I crossed my arms across my chest and glared at him.

His eyes went to my chest, and I looked down to notice what he’d noticed.

My nipples were hard and straining the well-worn fabric of his black t-shirt.

Dropping my arms from across my chest with barely concealed annoyance, I stomped past him to the kitchen where he had a feast set out.

Ignoring the bacon, I filled alarge bowl with scrambled eggs and ripped up pieces of toast, placing it on the table. Then I went to the fridge, grabbed the ketchup, and smothered my eggs with it.

Stirring it up, I sat down and ate it all like normal people ate cereal.

“That’s just...disgusting,” Loki said with supreme distaste.

I laughed. “My dad taught my brother andme to eat it this way,” I said, as I took another bite.

“Did you answer me yet on why you even had bacon?” He asked as he filled his plate up with bacon and eggs.
