Page 32 of Keys To My Cuffs

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“It was my brothers. He didn’t take it with him when he moved out.”

Partially true, at least.

“Where did your brother go?” He asked, startled.

“Oh, he left after he found out he didn’t like living with a bat shit crazy little harpy.”

Just kidding. What I really said was, “He didn’t like having to pay rent. Which made him have to work. He’s staying on a friend’s couch for the time being.”

Another partial truth. See, I wasn’t lying!

He grimaced as he crunched into the bacon, making me swallow thickly again as he chewed the fatty piece of meat.

“Well, I can’t say I’m upset that he’s gone, but I am upset that he left you with a door that didn’t close,” he rumbled. “I’ll have someone come fix the foundation this week. You me back.”

I rolled my eyes. “I have the money. I was just saving it for something...else.”

Like medical bills. They’d start piling up soon, and if I had to pay for the foundation, I’d not be able to pay for my next doctor visit.

“Regardless, I need to know you’re safe. Which is why I have someone coming over to install your alarm later. The foundation people will be coming out within the next twenty-four hours, they said. If I’m going to be over here, we have to be cautious. You have to stay away from me during the day. I’ll come to you during the night. Make sure the place isarmed when you’re here, okay?” He said as he put his plate into the sink and turned back to me.

“You’re leaving already?” I asked in dismay.

He nodded. “Yes. I have to be seen around town. Let fuckin’ Strong know he’s not intimidating me. I have aToys for Totsrun later today. We’re riding down to Natchitoches and back. Once I’m done with that, I’ll be back.”

This was going to be one hell of a lonely month.

Christmas was in less two weeks. New Year’s after that. And he couldn’t be seen with me.

Fun, fun.

Chapter 8

Gun safety rules: Do not piss off the woman holding the gun.



“You look different,” Adeline said.

I looked over at her in surprise. How would she notice something different about me when I’d only been here less than two minutes and hadn’t said a word?

“Why do you say that?” I asked.

“Because you have an ‘I’m going to fuck anyone who bothers me’ look on your face.” Kettle said dryly.

Kettle was a member of The Dixie Wardens. He was also a firefighter with Benton Fire Department.

Originally, we’d met while on the job. He’d been the one to persuade Trance and I to consider joining The Dixie Wardens. Then, when we’d decided to prospect, he’d had his best friend sponsor us.

Adeline was Kettle’s old lady, and the woman who felt it necessary to poke her nose into everybody’s business.

She was also hormonal. Hence, why I didn’t say what I wanted to, and bit my tongue on the snappy retort that had nearly spewed out of my mouth.

“I’ve gotta piss,” I said to no one in particular and left.

I heard the murmurs that followed my exit from the room. I knew they were worried about me. Honestly, though, I didn’t give a shit.

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