Page 26 of Begin Again

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“True,” she said. “But I never slept with another person in high school. I didn’t want any guy to know I wasn’t a virgin and expect it from me.”

“I didn’t want any girl to think that of me,” he said, smirking.

She started to laugh and he was glad he could lighten the mood.

“Yeah, I’m sure that is the truth. Either way,” she said. “I’m not hiding this now.”

“Good to know,” he said. “It’s not like I’m going to announce it to my family or anything, but if it comes up that I’m seeing someone, I don’t want to lie.”

“I don’t like liars and bullshitters,” she said.

He turned to look at her while he was driving.

“The same,” he said. “Is that what happened with your ex-husband?”

She looked at him and as much as he wanted to hold her stare, he had to watch the road. “No. Well, yes, to the bullshitter. Let’s say he wasn’t the person I thought he was and end it at that. He didn’t cheat on me if you think it’s that. It wasn’t. I left him though.”

He had to end this conversation. He knew that now.

“We won’t talk about it,” he said. “But know if you ever want to, I’m here.”

“Thanks,” she said. That was it. Nothing else.

He wasn’t sure if she was thanking him for ending it or for the offer.

Probably for ending it.

They arrived at the Olana Historic State Castle within an hour, got out and paid their tickets for their tour.

“The landscaping is just crazy this time of year. Everything is blooming.”

“It’s driving you nuts I haven’t talked about doing anything with the yard, isn’t it?” she asked, bumping her shoulder into his.

“Not really,” he said. “It’s your house, not mine.”

“I know,” she said. “I just don’t have the love for it as you do.”

“The house?” he asked, stunned she’d said that.

“No. I love the house. I mean the outside. Maybe in time I can get out there, but I’m just happy it’s neat and easy to care for. No one sees the back and that is fine. I’d like to sit out on the deck and will get some patio furniture soon. It’s still not always so nice out, but today it is.”

It was seventy in the sun and that was plenty warm for the end of April.

“I grew to love the outside and I’m not sure why. It’s just a hobby.”

“Did you do any landscaping on the house you listed yesterday?”

“A little,” he said.

He’d been going to her house to see her. She didn’t want any help in the house, but he’d been giving her pointers and showing her things she could do on her own. She was still at the painting-everything phase and got all the bedrooms done now too.

He’d told her paint went a long way to improve things and she was seeing that.

“Do you think you’ll get an offer quickly?” she asked.

“In this market,” he said, “I hope so. At least within a week. Maybe today. I’ve got an apartment set to move into in a few days. Or it’s open for me and I’ll start moving things over. I’ve got to reach out to my movers to help.”

He’d long since stopped asking family members since he moved so much. They had lives and other things to do in their free time.
