Page 27 of Begin Again

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“I can help you,” she said.

“Thanks,” he said. “But I’m good. Hiring movers makes it easier for everyone.”

“You know what else makes things easier for everyone?” she asked.


“Being straightforward. I’m glad that you were with me today. I appreciate it.”

“I've always been that way,” he said. “Straightforward and telling the truth.”

“Good. Then so will I. I’d like you to stay the night tonight...if you want.”

“Oh, I want,” he said.

She smiled at him. “It’s going to be so much better than our first in your bedroom.”

He started to laugh. “You bet your sweet ass it’s going to be.”


The First Time

Somehow they made it through their day and were back at her house.

It wasn’t even dinnertime yet and the air had been thick with sparks and sizzling sounds in her ears all day.

“We don’t have to do this tonight if you don’t want to,” he said.

She turned to look at Christian as they pulled into her driveway. “You don’t want to?”

Her heart sank. Was she not enough again for another man?

She’d spent the past year working herself up in body and soul.

It might be the most confident she’d felt in her life and here the one man she wanted even more than when she wanted him at sixteen just told her they didn’t have to do it.

He turned once he shut his truck off and reached his hand for hers, their fingers threaded together. “I want to. I’ve wanted to for weeks, but I’m not someone to push.”

Liz knew that. They’d dated four months before they’d had sex as kids.

He’d never brought it up once when they were sixteen. It’s just they’d get making out and one thing would lead to another.

More than once he’d stopped to ask her if she was sure.

She should have remembered that about him.

“I know,” she said. “Why did you just say that then?”

“Because you’ve been quiet since you said it and I wondered if you’d changed your mind.”

“No,” she said. “I think it’s just the anticipation. You know, like the first time.”

“We’ve both learned a thing or two since then,” he said. “At least I have.”

It was the charming grin on his face as he climbed out of the truck, her following. The day’s growth of beard that she was coming to enjoy seeing. She knew he shaved every few days or just trimmed his beard.

She would have found it irresistible as a teen, but at sixteen he didn’t have nearly the facial hair he did now.
