Page 67 of Begin Again

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She laughed. “Seems fitting since Christian was giving me a rundown of people here. You work for the state police?”

“An investigator,” Josh said, shaking her hand. “With this one right here.”

She turned her head and saw another man a few feet away. “Hi,” she said. “You’ve got to be Nathan. I met Dylan and Zoe already and you look like your brother.”

“Nice to meet you,” Nathan said. “Christian’s girlfriend. Sorry, didn’t catch your name other than he had a girlfriend.”

“Liz,” she said, shaking the man’s hand and hearing the laughter next to him.

“Ignore my husband. I’m Brina, Nathan’s wife. This is our daughter, Mya. She’s fifteen months old and trying to learn to walk. I was hoping that being around Caleb would help, but he isn’t staying still long enough.”

“Don’t wish too fast,” she said. “Then you’ll have Nathan chasing her like Josh.”

Brina laughed. “I like you. And I know we didn’t get to meet before, but you were at my sister’s wedding.”

“What?” she asked.

“Hannah. She married Cash Fielding.”

“I feel like such a fool,” she said. “I knew you looked familiar. I mean you were in the wedding party, but your hair was up.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Brina said. “Our cousin is Blair and her family is here too.” Brina moved her head around. “Over there.” Brina started to wave her hand and she saw another couple with a little girl and toddler making their way over.

It went like that for a few hours. More names and faces than she’d ever remember.

“How are you holding up?” Christian asked, moving over to her. The burgers and dogs were being grilled. She’d just gotten done helping make sure the salads were out and ready to be served by whoever wanted to help themselves.

“Better than I thought.”

“Liz. Liz Sherman. Is that you?”

She turned her head. She hadn’t been called Liz Sherman in a while. She was going to start the paperwork to fix that soon. She saw Martha Overton a few feet away and moving quickly to get into her personal space. Just like Martha did in high school.

“Yes, it’s me. How are you doing, Martha?”

“I thought that was you. I heard Christian had a girlfriend, then someone said her name was Liz. Imagine that, you two are back together again. I thought you moved out of the area.”

“I did,” she said. “I’m back now.”

“And you’re here visiting the picnic with your boyfriend,” Martha said. “My husband and I bought a house here a few years ago. I always wanted to live here growing up and now it’s a dream come true. It’s such a hard place to get into. But you get a taste of it being with Christian.”

Now she knew why she wanted to avoid this party. People like Martha. Those that made her feel she wasn’t enough in school and didn’t deserve to be with Christian.

Before she could say anything, Christian jumped in, “Actually, it’s more like I’m the one here with her. She lives in Paradise Place, not me.”

“What?” Martha asked. “You live here?”

“I do,” she said. “I bought a house a few months ago. All by myself too. It’s good to see you again, Martha. I believe Parker is waving me over.”

Liz turned and started to walk, Christian by her. “That was funny. Good for you. I’m surprised you said that though.”

“It was petty. I know. I shouldn’t have.”

He stopped and made her face him. “No, you totally should have. It was great.” He leaned down and kissed her and Liz realized that maybe she had come much further than she ever thought she’d be.

The old her—before Tanner—would have walked away. The new her stood her ground and wouldn’t let someone make her feel as if she wasn’t enough.

Maybe it was time to let Christian know where she stood too.
