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I smile, feeling his breath tickling my mouth. “I want to know what you taste like.”

Things are a little clumsy as I press my lips to his. He doesn’t move and for a second, I think he’s going to push me away. Then Joel groans and kisses me back, his arms wrapping around me as he pulls me against him. I’m swept away by all the sensations that flow through me. Damn, he tastes really good. And he knows how to kiss.

How have I not done this before?

I find myself shifting again, and then I’m sitting astride his lap, his hands running over my back and down to my backside. Still kissing me, he pulls me closer and lifts his hips. That’s when I feel his erection against me, and it makes me gasp.

Holy fuck, he’s that big? And he’s aroused because of me?

I roll my hips, which makes Joel groan once more. He squeezes my backside, and I let out a soft moan. He rocks me on his erection, and it rubs against my clit through my pants. Gasping, I clutch at his shoulders. God, that feels amazing.

Then his hands slide under my shirt and brush against the bare skin of my back, and reality hits me like a slap in the face. Clarity comes back fast, and I realize what I’m doing.

I’m grinding on my boss while I’m kissing him. What the hell am I doing?

Pulling away, I scramble off him. Joel looks bewildered as I clamber to my feet.

“I… this… I…” I brush my hair back and straighten my shirt. “I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Megan…” The arousal is clear in his voice and it makes my skin break out in goosebumps.

But no. I shouldn’t be doing this.

“I’m really sorry, Mr. Evans! I… I think I should go and get some sleep.” I fumble for my phone on the coffee table, taking three tries to turn the flashlight on. “Goodnight, sir. I… sorry…”

I’m aware of Joel—Mr. Evans calling after me, but I ignore him as I hurry upstairs and into my bedroom. Putting the lock on my door, I lean against it and sag to the floor. I feel like I’m going to be sick, the wine deciding now is a good time to tell me that it’s not getting along with my insides.

What was I thinking? Why did I go along with kissing my boss? And did he actually get aroused by what I did?

I should not be feeling this turned on by that.

Admit it. You’ve wanted to kiss him for a long time. And you’re both single, so what’s the problem?

He is my boss! Probably the most inappropriate person possible.

The lights come back on suddenly, making me jump and my head spin. Groaning, I close my eyes as nausea rolls over me again. So much for this being a peaceful weekend away; I feel like I’ve brought my troubles with me.



I have no idea how I managed to get through the night. It was a struggle to sleep, mostly because of the storm outside and also because of Megan sleeping in another room not too far away from mine. I was tempted to go and check on her, to make sure she was okay. But with the way she had run off, I know she’s not going to let me see her until she’s ready.

Given what we had done, it was not unexpected.

I can still feel her mouth on mine, her body pressed against me as she grinded my erection. My own self-control very nearly snapped, and I could have ripped her clothes off before taking her right there on the couch. It felt like one of my fantasies had come true, and I wanted to hold onto it a bit longer. But then Megan ran away from me so fast she left marks on the carpet.

Sure, she is my personal assistant, but she’s also a desirable woman that I’ve been trying to keep my hands off for a long time. She has opened the door, and I don’t want to close it.

Knowing that this weekend is going to be awkward after that, I get up early in the morning and stumble into the shower. Maybe a cold shower will help me get some sense into my head. The last thing I want to do is make Megan more uncomfortable.

Although, my cock is going to be probably the most uncomfortable part of the weekend. Even after I found my release alone the night before, I’m still aroused at the thought of being around Megan.

Get a grip on yourself. You’re too old to be behaving like a horny teenager.

After getting dressed, I head downstairs and find Megan already in the kitchen. She is at the stove, and I can hear something sizzling in the pan. She pauses when she hears me but doesn’t turn around.

“Breakfast will be ready soon,” she says, sounding cold and unfeeling.
