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Thelightshavenotcome back on, and it’s been close to two hours. But I’m not as scared as I was when it first happened. Having finished most of the bottle of wine, that’s not really a surprise. Although I am surprised that I managed to drink that much when I normally stick to one glass. Mr. Evans said it would help me relax, but it’s relaxing me a bit too much. I can feel my guard lowering, which may not be a good idea.

Especially when I’m around my handsome boss.

“Is there any more wine?” I ask, holding up my empty glass.

“No. You’ve had the last dregs,” Mr. Evans shakes his head. “Although, I think you need to stop now. You’ve had quite a bit already.”

“You’re the one who said I should drink to relax,” I giggle, my head buzzing in the fake happiness of the wine.

“I wasn’t expecting you to throw it back like your life depends on it,” he smirks.

I scoff loudly. “I did not do that!”

“You know you’re not supposed to down wine in huge gulps, don’t you?” I can tell by his cheeky grin that he’s teasing me.

I stick my tongue out at him. “If you end up with a love life like mine, you’ll do whatever you want.” I curl my legs under me, holding my head up with my hand as I sigh heavily. “Why does this have to happen to me? I thought things were going great. Eric was an attentive guy, and I thought he loved me. Not only does he cheat on me, but he does this because he wants to take advantage of nepotism? I don’t get why this had to happen to me.”

Mr. Evans pats my knee and it sends a shock up my leg, to settle in a warm pool between my legs. Hopefully I’m hiding the effect he has on me.

“Sometimes, we don’t get to know why things happen to us,” he says. “They just happen without explanation, and it’s how we deal with it that defines us.”

I tilt my head to the side, considering his words carefully. “You mean we need to roll with the punches.”

Mr. Evans shrugs. “Something like that.”

I don’t think I can roll with the punches. Normally, I can, but not this time. It doesn’t feel right for me. Then again, this is still too raw. I don’t think I can cope with it the way I want for a while. Even a bottle of wine isn’t quite helping.

The atmosphere is, though. Mr. Evans has put several little candles around the room, and it feels warm and inviting despite the howling wind and rain pounding against the windows. It also feels romantic. Mr. Evans can’t have been going for that, but my tipsy brain is feeling the ambiance.

He is looking handsome in this light. Softer, somehow. I don’t know what’s changed, but it’s doing something to my insides. I have been squeezing my thighs together to get rid of the ache, but it’s not going anywhere. The sight of Mr. Evans just makes it more intense.

“You don’t have to dwell on that man and my daughter, Megan.” My boss reaches out and touches my arm. “They’re idiots for doing this, and it’s not going to end well for them. You’re better off, you’ll see.”

I sigh heavily, my shoulders sagging in defeat. “I don’t feel like it.”

“Trust me, you’ll get there,” he says, sounding sure of himself. “You’ll just see this as a blip in your life and move on.”

I frown. “Do you see me as that tough, Mr. Evans?”

“Even the toughest people need moments of softness,” his voice becomes low when he says it. “Besides, someone has to be tough out of the two of us.” His smile is beautiful in the flickering candlelight. “And it’s Joel, remember? We’re not in the office now.”

Heat rises to my cheeks and I drop my gaze. “I don’t think…”

“I’m not going to tell anyone,” he winks at me. “It’s our little secret.”

His hand is still touching my arm, and I can feel his fingers brushing against the bare skin of my wrist. It’s making me want to lean into him. I stare at his mouth, at that smile that has captured my attention more than once.

I wonder what he tastes like.

Before I can stop myself from thinking, I shift across the couch and lean into him. Mr. Evans—Joel—doesn’t move, although he looks a little surprised at what I’m doing.

“Megan, what are you doing?” he whispers.

“Well, you said we’re not in the office now. And you’re not my boss if that’s the case.” I press a hand to his chest. “I just want to satisfy a curiosity.”

“And what might that be?”
