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Chapter 6

Megan – three weeks later

Icanfeelmychest tightening as I look over the folder of information for Anna and Eric’s wedding. I’ve never planned a wedding before, but it’s surprising how much I arrange in such a short space of time. It’s ridiculous.

And more gets added with Anna’s emails. She sticks to what I asked for, but there are so many emails and most of them aren’t even about the wedding. It’s like she’s harassing me in a different way.

I’m starting to regret agreeing to this. It’s making me more stressed, and I feel like I’m having a panic attack every day doing this on top of my actual work. I thought it would be a good idea to agree so Anna would lay off me, but it’s had the opposite effect. I’m being bombarded by the two of them, and I’m not getting a chance to get any distance.

This is my fault. I know that, and I’m regretting it. But I didn’t think it would be this bad.

Mr. Evans has asked me a few times if I’m sure about it, and I’ve lied to him. I don’t want to admit that I did the wrong thing. If this will make sure Anna and Eric leave me alone afterward, I’ll take it.

If they read the contract I sent over, then they should know it’s cheaper for them to ensure ‘no contact’ with me after the wedding. But, knowing them, I’m sure they didn’t even notice a clause that said if they contacted me by any means and forms after the wedding was over, they would be sued for harassment. I didn’t think I could put that into a contract, but Mr. Evans’ lawyer said he could slide it in.

Mr. Evans. Joel. I grit my teeth and try to push him out of my mind. No, I can’t think of my boss like that. We’re in the office, and I should be addressing him properly. And yet… I just can’t.

I keep thinking back to our power cut interlude, and how great it felt to be in his arms. That man kisses very well, and I find myself touching my mouth when I remember. If I hadn’t run away, we might have ended up doing more than kissing.

And that cannot happen. We’re not going to do anything else. He is my boss, not an eligible bachelor. Well, technically he is, but I work for him and that means he’s off-limits. Let one of the many women he has in his diary deal with him. They’re far more his type. After all, what would he see in me?

But I shake my head at that thought. I don’t want to think about him being with another woman; it makes me uncomfortable.

God, what have I done?

I notice that another email has come up, and it’s from Anna again. More bullshit, I’m sure, and it won’t have anything to do with the wedding. I can’t look at it anymore. I need a break. My chest is too tight, and I can’t breathe like this.

Glancing over at Mr. Evans’ door and seeing that it’s still closed, I get up, clutching my cell phone as I try not to stumble out of the room. Just a few minutes of fresh air, and I’ll be able to calm down. It’s going to make me feel guilty for leaving my desk when I shouldn’t, but I need to do this, or I’m going to pass out.

Luckily, I don’t meet anyone in the elevator as I make my way down to the first floor, heading out into the company garden out the back. Mr. Evans said that having trees and flowers around is meant to be soothing, and it helps raise productivity if people have somewhere to go when they need a break. I don’t quite understand it—after all, it’s rare to have a garden in the middle of the city—but I’m not about to question that right now.

Finding a bench toward the far end of the garden, I collapse onto it, leaning back and closing my eyes. A headache is building behind my eyes, and it’s throbbing.

I’m such an idiot. I should have just refused Anna and found another way to deal with the harassment. She and Eric probably think they have me over a barrel, subject to their every whim.

I need someone to talk sense into me, or I’m going to go mad.

My fingers tremble as I find my mother’s number and press the call button. It’s not long before Mom picks up.

“Hello.” Just hearing her voice makes me smile.

“Hey, Mom.” My lips tremble but I fight the tears. I haven’t even started talking yet, I can’t want to turn into a blubbering mess already.

“Hey, you,” my mom’s tone brightens when she hears it’s me. “I thought you were at work right now.”

“I am. I… I’m having a rough time,” I say, choosing not to dive straight into the chaos of my life.

I know Mom understands what I’m talking about, seeing as I’ve ranted to her about it before.

“Oh, dear,” Mom sighs. “Are those two still bothering you outside the terms of agreement?”

I nod, even though she can’t see me. “Pretty much. They’re spamming me with emails that aren’t even about the wedding. Anna keeps talking about how amazing the wedding is going to be, and how Eric is going to do better than he ever did with me. Eric keeps talking about how he’ll finally become CEO, and he’s going to have me as his PA.”

Mom snorts with laughter but quickly recovers, and says, “Say what now? I thought Mr. Evans said that would never happen.”

“If he knows, he’s in denial,” I explain.

There is no chance I’ll hang around if Eric ever becomes the CEO, just to have him order me around. I know it won’t stop at just doing my usual duties, and the thought makes me feel sick. How has it come to this, that I can go from loving him to despising him so quickly?

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