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“After what Anna said, I got concerned and tried to think about how I could get Megan out of this situation,” she says. “And I thought of something. It does involve you, though.”

“Me?” I ask, surprised she’d think that.

“Yes. You should take her to the wedding as your date.”

Now I’m wondering if I’ve actually woken up. I look at the phone, but it hasn’t changed shape.

“What? What are you talking about, Natalie?”

“I know Mom’s trying to get you to take her as your date, and Megan is going to be treated like we’ve got back a couple of hundred years, so why not?”

“She’s my assistant, Natalie,” I say it slowly so she can understand. “Not my girlfriend or a date.”

“Might as well,” she presses on. “You get along with her, right? I’m not saying you should sleep with her or something.”

I’m glad that Natalie isn’t in the room with me right now; I’m sure she would see how red my face is getting.

“Nat, Megan is having issues with Anna pairing her off with someone. She doesn’t want you doing it as well.”

“At least mine would be nicer than what Anna’s planning. And Megan likes you, so you should lift her spirits.”

My daughter can be relentless at times. I hate that her suggestion sounds so good to me, but I can’t go along with it.


She ignores my warning tone. “She does have a crush on you, Dad. I think being around her crush will make her feel a little better.”

I’m beginning to think this is an alternate reality. Did my own daughter just say that Megan had a crush on me? That didn’t sink in.

“You’re being crazy,” I say with a laugh that sounds a little too forced.

“I’m not. I’ve figured it out, so you should be able to as well.” Natalie giggles. “Then again, you’re oblivious when it comes to anything that isn’t work. I’m not surprised you haven’t noticed.”

I groan. “I don’t need any matchmaking from you, Natalie. Especially not with an employee.”

“Well, I can but try,” she says. “If it makes you feel any better, I’d be happy if you started dating Megan. She’s pretty cool, and she wouldn’t want to turn into my mother. You’d want me to get on with whoever you’re dating, right?”

I don’t know what to say to that. It takes a moment for my words to form properly.

“Megan’s closer to your age than mine. Isn’t that a little weird for you?” I ask. To her, it might seem like a normal question. What I’m really doing is feeling her out.

“So what?” She sounds unbothered by it. “You’re both adults, and you’d be consenting. What’s the problem?”

“You really shouldn’t try to pair me off with my PA,” I sigh, quickly getting tired of repeating myself. She means well, I know, but it’s only making things worse.

“You’re happy whenever she’s around, Dad. You can’t blame me for trying,” Natalie says. “Anyway, I’d better leave you to it. I’ve got a few errands to run now you’re not coming to lunch with me now.”

“I’m not joining you after making those suggestions about me and Megan.”

Natalie laughs again, and I can hear a crowd around her. She must have come out of her apartment building and was walking down the street.

“Anyway, I’ll call you later. I’ve got a call coming through. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

I hang up and put my phone on the desk. It takes a while for me to digest the conversation with my daughter. Megan has a crush on me. Natalie must be trying to build up my ego or something. That couldn’t possibly happen.

But you two have slept together. Surely, she had to have some kind of feelings if she consented to that.

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