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“And on my wedding day as well! How could you?” she sulks.

“Maybe you shouldn’t have done it in the way that you did, otherwise things might have been different by now,” I look at my watch. “It’s about time for the guests to take their seats. Are you ready to head out?”

Chapter 15


Istandattheedge of the room and look at the guests at the various tables. The lights are down and disco lights are blinking around the dance floor. The DJ is doing a good job, and he has the floor filled, including Anna and her mother. As much as they are awful people, they are good dancers despite the dresses they’re wearing. I wish I look as graceful as that when I’m dancing.

At least it’s almost over. The ceremony went without a hitch, and the dinner itself seemed to go relatively well. There was an issue when Joel found out that he was sitting next to Caitlin despite saying that wouldn’t be happening, and he switched seats with one of the groomsmen at the end of the table. Anna and Caitlin didn’t look too happy about it, but Joel didn’t care. He sits at the end and talked to the guys Eric had managed to wangle into being his groomsmen. They seem to be enjoying themselves more.

There isn’t a seat for me, and I am fine with that. I sneak away once everyone was served and eat in the kitchen. According to Joel once I return, the speeches had gone without a hitch, and nobody made a comment about her. That is a relief for me; I know for sure Anna was going to call me out and thank me for introducing her to an amazing guy. I know she’s petty enough to do it.

Now everyone is enjoying the dancing part of the reception. Even Caitlin’s date, who is talking to Natalie at a table. Ever since the wedding started, Caitlin had neglected him and focused her sights on Joel, even though he openly ignored her. Her date looked like a fish out of water, and I know Natalie took pity on him. Now he seems to be a little more relaxed. Natalie is very good at getting people to relax. I think she’s amazing.

Not too much longer now, hopefully, and we can leave. Joel and I are planning to sneak away and do something on our own to make up for the headache we’ve both been experiencing. I’m sure that Caitlin is going to try and follow Joel, but it doesn’t bother me. I trust Joel completely, and I know his contempt for his ex-wife.

I just hope that nobody is going to cause an issue with what we’re doing should they suspect something. Anna has been enjoying her wedding and focusing less on me, but I know if I’m going to do something and she catches me, she’s going to be on me like white on rice. But, for now, she seems to be enjoying herself dancing in the music and has forgotten about me.

At least Eric is nowhere to be seen, which is something of a relief. I’ve caught him looking at me whenever I’m in his eyesight, and it’s getting creepy. Is he expecting me to be miserable and beg him not to marry Anna? Was he under the impression that I still had feelings for him? I don’t know what’s going on through his head, and I really don’t want to know. It’s scary as hell knowing that he keeps looking at me.

I feel sorry for Joel for having this man as his son-in-law. I know he didn’t approve, but he’s not about to argue with his daughter, who says she knows what she wants and this is going to happen. Hopefully, having him married to Anna would ensure that Joel could keep him away. Even though he’s not at the office anymore, I am sure that Eric is going to catch me at work somehow.


I turn and see Clara approaching me, holding a champagne flute. She waves her hand when she sees my expression.

“Don’t worry, it’s lemon and lime,” she says with a shy smile. “I asked the bartender to put it in this glass so Anna didn’t get upset that I wasn’t drinking.”

“Smart,” I give an approving nod.

“Anyway, Anna asked me to ask you if you could find Eric. She wants to dance with him, and he seems to have vanished.”

Oh, great. That is the last thing I want to do.

I shake my head. “It’s not in my job description to go searching for that idiot.”

“I’ll come with you, if you like. Just so you have a witness. And to give my ears a rest,” she adds, waving at the room around them, “I think I’m going to be deaf if I don’t have a break.”

She isn’t wrong about that. I need a break as well. Not only is the music loud enough to make my ears vibrate, but I’m also feeling really warm. I’ve been drinking water, but I’m still feeling lightheaded.

“Okay, fine,” I gesture at her. “Lead the way and be careful in those heels.”

“I’m a model. I have walked in heels worse than this without wobbling,” she giggles.

I follow her to the exit, passing Joel on the way. He’s talking to his brother, an equally handsome man with an arm around the waist of a stunning brunette in her late thirties. He catches my eye, and something warms in his gaze. I bite my lip and look away, not wanting to openly stare in case I do something stupid like trip over my own feet.

We leave the room, and I shut the door behind us. The throbbing beat of the music is making the doors vibrate, but it’s a lot more muted than before. Clara lets out a sigh and closes her eyes with a relieved smile.

“Now that feels better,” she declares. “If I wasn’t the maid of honor, I would’ve left by now.”

“I share the same sentiment.” I feel like I’ve gone momentarily deaf. It’s a strange sensation. “Not too long now.”

“What are you thinking of doing when you leave here?” Clara asks as we make our way to the suite of rooms where the bridal party and the grooms had gotten ready. “I’m planning on getting a big tub of ice cream and watching soppy rom coms.”

“Is a big tub of ice cream allowed in your condition?” I look at her in alarm.

She shrugs it off. “As long as I don’t do it every day. What about you?”
