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Joel likes it when I cook for him. Especially when we get to dessert. I still remember what we did with the ice cream. I’m getting goosebumps thinking about it. Maybe we can do that again, seeing as I did buy some ice cream earlier today.

I glance over at the clock. Not too long before Joel gets back. He had a business trip in Canada to go to, and I needed to stay behind and make sure everything ran smoothly in his absence. But he’s returning home soon, and I can’t wait to see him. It’s only been two days, but I miss him badly.

Who knew that I would miss someone as intensely as this?

In the beginning, after Joel’s declaration of love, I was worried about things changing in the office and we wouldn’t be able to keep things separated. But to my surprise it actually works. We have been able to keep professional in the office, just as we had before, and then we’re sinking into each other’s arms as soon as we get to our home.

Our home. Joel asked me to move in with him two weeks ago, and I accepted his offer quickly. Clark can handle the apartment rent on his own, and he found a new roommate too, so he will be fine. It just felt like the most normal thing in the world to move in with my partner. Calling Joel my boyfriend sounds odd.

Calling him my man, on the other hand, definitely sounds good.

Now I’m feeling like a wife, waiting for my spouse to get home with a cooked meal and preparations to help him relax. While we haven’t talked about that, I know that I won’t be hesitating once Joel does propose.

My phone starts ringing as I put the bags away. I smile as I answer. “Hey, Mom.”

“Hey, love. I just wanted to check if you and Joel are going to come for lunch on Sunday? I’m doing the groceries now, and I need a definite head count.”

“We’re coming. Joel loves your food, so I don’t think you’d be able to keep him away.”

Mom laughs. “Well, the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. And if you cook as well as I do…”

“Trust me, he loves it.” I’m not going to tell her how much, though. “Joel’s just coming back from his business trip today, but I’ll say yes for him.”

“Excellent.” Mom sounds happy. “I’ll be delighted to see him. He knew how to keep your father out of the way while we were busy.”

I laugh. “He’s not there for that. But I’m glad you and Dad got along with him.”

“I’m glad as well. I’ve never seen him so nervous, and he’s faced down multi-conglomerates before this.”

“I’ll let your father know about that. I’m sure he can make Joel even more uncomfortable.”

“Mom!” I groan. I lean against the counter, absently touching my belly. “Honestly, you and Dad…”

“We’re allowed to tease our children now and then. We raised you all this time, so allow us this little thing.”

“I’m not so sure about that.”

Introducing Joel to Mom and Dad had been a little scary, but it ended up being a good thing. Mom and Dad were stunned that I was dating my boss, but Joel won them around. I know they’re concerned about the age gap, and I’m preparing myself for more questions about it. But Mom had said to me that she saw how happy I was looking, and she wasn’t about to stop it if it made me walk around with the biggest smile she had ever seen.

I don’t think I could appreciate my mother more after hearing that.

The sound of the doorbell has me looking around.

“Sorry, Mom, can I call you back? There’s someone at the door.”

“No problem. I’ll be leaving to get the food shortly, so call me tonight?”

“Of course. Bye, Mom.”

I hang up and walk through the house, wondering what Mom is going to say when she finds out that I’m pregnant already. I’m going to wait a little longer until I’m out of the first trimester to tell anyone, but I’m still excited to tell Mom. She is going to be delighted to become a grandmother.

She is going to be inundating us with homemade knitted things. I’m sure of it.

I get to the door and check through the peephole. My heart sinks when I see Eric there, standing on the porch. He looks haggard.

What the hell is going on?

“Megan?” Eric rings the doorbell again as he shouts. “I know you’re in there. Your car is here. Let me in.”
