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“What do you want, Eric?” I lean against the door. “I’m not opening the door.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to talk to you, that’s why. Go away.”

“But I really need to talk to you,” he persists.

“No, you don’t. I don’t get why you’re here after what you’ve done.” There is no way I’m opening the door when I’m pregnant. I may not be showing, but I don’t want Eric touching me. “Go back to Ashley. That’s who you ran off with, isn’t it?”

“We ended things last week. She kept getting upset at me for getting her sister pregnant, and she caught me talking to Clara.”

I feel like I’m getting a headache listening to all this.

“You mean you were still playing them off against each other and they both dumped you. That’s what happened, right?” I ask.

“I didn’t get dumped. I ended things!”

He sounds angry. Good.

“I highly doubt it. Look, your mess of a love life has nothing to do with me, so will you just go away? And how did you know where I was, anyway?”

“I went by your apartment, and your brother gave me your address. Something about this is how well she’s doing and I should fuck off? Can you believe the nerve of the man?”

Clark gave him my address? What was he thinking? I make a mental note to ask him later.

“Well, you need to fuck off. I’m waiting for my partner to get home, and I’m not about to be having a conversation with you.”

“Partner? Since when did you get a partner?”

I can tell Eric’s shaken up by my words and the fact gives me more than a little satisfaction.

“You think I was going to wait for you or something? Don’t be stupid, Eric. You’re not that amazing.” I silently hope that Joel returns soon. “I’ve moved on, and I’m happy. I don’t want you in my life. So get lost.”

“So you end up being a kept woman for a rich bastard? Is that it?”


“I mean, look at this place. Clearly your sugar daddy has money. Now, how about you get out here and talk to me. That’s all I want to do.”

The way his voice switches from jealous anger to buttery syrup is concerning. He’s a snake and I want nothing to do with him.

“Not a chance. Go away before I call the police,” I threaten.

“Please, Megan!” Eric is now pleading with me, and it’s making me grimace at how uncomfortable it is. “I love you. I now know you’re the only one for me. Can’t we talk it out and try again?”

I can’t help but laugh at that.

“Are you kidding me? You got with me because of my link to Joel, cheated on me, verbally and emotionally abused me while making me your wedding planner, and then you threaten me when I catch you cheating on your wife just hours into your wedding. Now you want us to get back together? Are you insane? What woman would go back to a piece of crap like you?”

“How else am I going to pay the wedding fees? Anna’s got a lawyer to send the bill to me, saying that I’m the reason that the wedding ended as it did so I have to pay for it.”

At least Anna has sent it to the right person this time.

“So that’s why you want to be back with me, is it? Because I’ve got money?”

“No, it’s not like that!”

“After what you’ve done, you’re lucky that I’m still talking to you. Now get away from here, Eric.”
