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“Not until we’ve talked.” The door bangs and vibrates against my back, making me jump. “Let me in!”

“What’s going on here?”

I sigh in relief when I hear Joel’s voice. I didn’t expect him to be back at this time. Looking through the peephole, I see Joel’s car on the driveway and Joel storming up to the front door. Eric falters when he sees his ex-boss.

“What… what are you doing here, Mr. Evans?” Eric stutters.

“Why wouldn’t I come home? Why are you harassing Megan?” Joel folds his arms. “Do you want something from my partner?”

I hold my breath. I hadn’t said anything about Joel being my other half, and I’m sure Clark hasn’t said anything. How Eric hasn’t put it together, I have no idea.

“Partn… You… What?” Eric splutters. “You and Megan are…”

“We’re in a relationship, yes. And as you’re bothering my girlfriend, I suggest you leave before I have the cops called.”

“Are you serious? She’s with you?” Eric somehow manages to get some bravado and sniggers. “You’re seriously with a gold-digger like her? You think she wants you when you’ve got all those zeroes in your bank account?”

That makes me open the door, flinging it open hard enough for both men to jump. I storm over to Eric and shove him hard enough to make him stumble off the porch.

“Don’t you fucking dare say anything about my relationship!” I snarl at him. “It has nothing to do with you. Besides, you’re not one to comment seeing as you can’t even keep four women happy. I know you were carrying on with all of us when I was your official girlfriend, and you chose the one who could benefit you more financially. You think you have any say over who I choose to date and love, do you?”

“What?” Eric looks stunned. “Did you just…?”

“Did I just say that I love Joel? Yes, I did. He’s a better man than you any day of the week.” I jab him in the chest. “You fucked up, and you don’t get to crawl back to me because it’s all fallen apart for you. Just get lost and leave me alone. I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore.”

“Easy, Megan,” Joel eases me back, tucking me against his side. “You don’t want to get upset. Not in your condition.”

It takes me a moment for me to realize what he’s just said. Eric gets there faster than me, his mouth falling open as he stares at me.

“Did… Are you pregnant?”

“With my child,” Joel moves to put himself in front of me. “I don’t want you coming anywhere near her. You come back here, I’m calling the cops and getting a restraining order. Don’t even contact Megan, unless you want to be branded a stalker.”

“But how do you know it’s your kid? She does sleep around, after all.”

Joel snorts. “If you’re going to lie, come up with a better one than that. You’re not getting her back, and you need to leave before you get into more legal trouble. Get lost.”

Eric looks like he’s going to argue further, but he must have seen something on Joel’s face because he backs away, holding up his hands. With one last look at me, something flashing across his face, he hurries to his car and gets in. I frown at the sudden change.

“What just happened there?”

“I think he’s just realizing that he’s in serious trouble, and he needs to get out of here before he makes it worse,” Joel turns to me, putting his arms around me. “Sorry about blurting out that you’re pregnant. I am getting a little overprotective of you because of that.”

“It’s fine. He was going to find out sooner or later,” I put my arms around his neck. “Just let me tell my parents in return. That’s only fair, isn’t it?”

Joel chuckles. “I suppose so.” He kisses me. “Are you okay, though? How long was he here?”

“Just a couple of minutes before you got home. I was moments away from calling the police myself.”

“Well, we’ll do that next time,” Joel kisses my forehead. “Let’s get inside. I’ll fix us something to eat.”

“What? I’ve just bought everything to make dinner for you. You shouldn’t be making dinner for me.”

Joel hugs me close to his side as we walk into the house. “You are not my slave, and you are pregnant. Aren’t I allowed to pamper you? Especially as I’ve come home early.”

I smile. “It’s been a while since I’ve been pampered.”

“Oh, really?” A glint appears in his eye. “So what would you like to do about it?”
