Page 10 of Hybrid Forgotten

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I have a real home in Wolf Creek with people who love me.

Whatever this thing with the witch is, it’s nothing.

We’ve dealt with vicious gators, Dark Arts witches, and I’ve even stood in the presence of the Dark Lord. Craziest New Year’s Eve ever.

A random missing witch in our favorite running spot in the woods is no big deal.

I take the bag from Dante and put it in the backseat.

He moves around to the driver’s side, and I get in my seat, closing the door quietly.

There’s no one to disturb out here, except maybe some kind of witch-eating monster, which could possibly be something to worry about, or probably not. I’m just used to trying not to make too much noise when we get back in the early hours, so I’ve gotten used to being gentle with the doors.

Dante lets his shut less delicately, but he’s in kind of a salty mood now that we’re heading home.

He lets out a soft sigh as he puts the key in the engine.

“All this way, and we’re turning straight back around.”

“More time alone with me, though,” I remind him, squeezing a tiny smile out of his pout.

“That’s true,” he murmurs, turning on the music before he gets us on the road back to Wolf Creek.

He could really use some cheering up tonight, and Chaos Burning songs don’t seem to be enough to help lift his emotional Omega spirits. His usual habit of singing along is muted to a favorite line here and there as we head back.

It might be time to surprise him with my little secret.

I’ve spent weeks working on a spell I know he’ll love.

It’s so damn hard to keep my excitement in check, but he looks so dejected right now that I know he’ll appreciate the effort when we get home and go to his room. It’s probably something he could do himself, so much easier and better than I could, but I don’t think he’s ever really thought about it.

It’s probably a bit weird.

Oh, well, I guess we’ll see.

“We can stay up as late as you want,” I tell him.

He gives me a tiny smile. “We can stay up as late asyouwant. I’m not pushing you to do an all-nighter again. We can’t have your teachers asking you why you’re falling asleep at your desk like last time.”

“That was so embarrassing,” I admit.

It’s not every day you realize your Alpha mate could get a stern phone call about your health. While I’m at the academy, my Alpha is seen as my guardian. It’s weird to think my mate is who they’d go to if they were concerned. Luckily for me, I was able to convince the teacher I was up late studying, and he believed me when I was able to answer five quick-fire questions about that day’s lesson without getting anything wrong.

Thank Artemis I was a few chapters ahead in the reading material.

“I’m lucky Sean didn’t find out,” Dante admits.

“Yeah, there’s no way he’d let me sleep in your room if he knew about that.”

“That’s why it’s never happening again,” he tells me, right before the CD in the player stops.

“Change, or repeat?” I ask, never sure what mood he’s in.

“Repeat,” he says, nodding.

I love that we both like the same kind of music. Chaos Burning has been my favorite band for years now, and it’s awesome that it’s something I can share with my mates.

The CD player is kind of new. It’s one of the perks of living with a mechanic. Sean always checks the car to make sure everything’s working, and every one of those checks have resulted in an upgrade of some kind, from tyres to windshield wipers, to the CD player and leather seats.
