Page 11 of Hybrid Forgotten

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I’m not sure what else could actually be improved on at this point, but I’m curious to find out the next time something needs to be checked.

“It’s a shame these guys never play in Wolf Creek,” Dante tells me.

“Yeah,” I agree. “The town is probably too small. I don’t even know where they could have a concert if they ever came out here.”

“True,” Dante murmurs. “Though, the academy’s main hall is a decent size.”

“I guess. Has it ever been used for that, though?”

He shakes his head. “I always kind of wondered why not.”

“It’s probably because our town is kind of out of the way.”

“I guess that’s probably it,” he muses.

Wolf Creek is not only small, it’s also surrounded by rural areas, and the closest towns are even smaller. The big city is a long drive out of town.

It’s a good thing I’m a small-town kind of girl.

Chapter six


Thedrivehomefeelsfaster than the drive out to the woods. It always does, but tonight it’s too fast.

I know it’s because our night’s been interrupted. We’ll have to explain what we found and figure out what to do about it. Then, Sean will tell us we can’t go out into the woods again until we know why the witch was out there and what happened to her. Which could take forever, and there’s probably a good chance we never find the answers. I know Sean has good reasons for everything he does, but that doesn’t make his rules any less frustrating. Now, I know why Parker was always so pissy whenever Sean had him follow me around to make sure I was safe.

I would do anything to keep Amanda safe.

That’s why I didn’t think twice about bringing her straight home.

I wish it didn’t need to mean losing time with her.

My wolf isn’t too happy, either. He didn’t get the chance to run around.

I’ll have to go for a run tomorrow, in the woods close to the school.

Other shifters and witches will be out there, but I can ignore them.

All I need is to let my wolf feel free. He spent a long time being pushed down and ignored when I was trying to avoid attracting the attention of the kind of people who like to abuse anyone they think is weaker than they are. I thought I was protecting myself. I was destroying myself.

Amanda came along at the perfect moment to let me see that truth.

She saved my wolf, and she saved my life. I’ll forever be in her debt.

“Here we go,” I murmur as I park up outside the apartment, behind Sean’s Mustang.

I kill the engine and pass Amanda the keys. “Home at long last.”

She smiles at me as her fingers curl around them. “It’s late, and there’s nothing we can do about the witch tonight. We can go to bed, and you can work on the problem with Sean tomorrow.”

She’s right. It’s not urgent. We’ve come home, and we don’t intend to go back out there until we know it’s safe. Sean won’t insist on working on it right away.

I don’t know why I was assuming that. It would be crazy.

I smile back. “Then, let’s get to bed.”

I get out of the car, and she locks the car and follows me to the side of the building, holding the witch’s backpack in one hand as she puts her keys into her pocket with the other.
