Page 104 of Hybrid Forgotten

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They stand up as we enter.

Rachel looks at me. “How’s Amanda?”

“She got her memories back, so we’re almost done here.”

She knows what I mean by almost. “He’s under a binding spell. I can remove it if you want.”

“I should get back,” Cheryl tells us. “I can take Shannon home on the way, unless you need anything else from her?”

Right. It’s probably best if the stranger we don’t know from Adam doesn’t see us murder this guy.

That said, I feel a little bad about Shannon’s situation.

“Where is home, exactly?” I ask her.

She pales a little bit. “Uh … It’s around.”

“Uh huh.”

“Oh, whatever,” she mutters. “I’m currently homeless. It’s a long story.”

“You can stay in Amanda’s old dorm room,” I tell her. “They supply food for free and no one will disturb you. “

She blinks at me. “Oh. Um, that would be nice. Just until I sort some things out.”

I nod at Cheryl. “You know where Rachel’s room is?”

She nods. “I know. It’s across the hall. We use it when we have coven meetings.”

Rachel hugs Cheryl goodbye and then the stranger leaves with Cheryl.

Jillian moves around to her brother’s side, Danny following her, hovering protectively.

He’s right to do that. The guy can’t be trusted.

I move to where Rachel’s standing at the other side of him.

Dante stays close to his head, and Parker and Amanda come stand by his feet.

“You think you’ve won?” Jake asks, his voice raspy.

It sounds like he’s been doing some screaming while we were gone.

Just as well we don’t have neighbors close enough to hear something like that.

“We don’t think,” Dante tells him. “We know.”

Jillian kneels by his side, and he growls at her, snapping his sharp, shifter teeth.

“I wish you were capable of change, Jake. I really do. Too bad you’re not. I’ll make sure Mom knows you’re dead. You can kick Dad in the balls for me when you get to hell.”

She clasps his head in her hands like she’s going to kiss him, but she smacks his head off the ground instead. Rising to her feet, she shrugs as Danny puts an arm around her.

“One last attempt at knocking sense into his stupid head,” she murmurs.

Dante snorts. “It would need to be a much harder knock to get through that thick skull.”

“What the fuck, Jillian?” Jake snarls. “You’re my goddamned sister. You bitch!”
