Page 75 of Hybrid Forgotten

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I don’t doubt that Parker could do it. I really hope Jake isn’t dumb enough to let him, because that’s some Hellraiser sequel shit that I seriously do not need to see the real-life version of.

“You can’t be serious,” Jake says. “That would make you a monster.”

Parker shrugs. “Without Amanda, that’s exactly what I am.”

He runs the blade upwards, cutting a thin line upward, stopping short of his throat.

Jake’s freaking out, and he should be. Parker fully intends to go ahead with pulling him apart.

“Where is she?” Parker asks, before he moves the knife back down to make another cut, this one horizontal, from one side to the other, intersecting with the edge of his first cut perfectly.

Jake’s breathing fast and cursing under his breath.

I concentrate my enhanced hearing on the sound of his voice while Parker wipes the blade of the knife over his cuts, spreading the blood around his skin.

“Fuck … fuck … don’t tell him … she’s so close … Apollo be damned … she’s almost mine …”

The torture’s getting to him, but he’s refusing to let it break him.

He hasn’t taken Amanda to hurt her, exactly.

At least that wasn’t his intent.

This is so messed up.

He took her because he wants her as his mate.

That’s it. That’s what this is all about.

“Parker, stop,” I say softly, knowing there has to be a better way.

There is, and it’s so fucking simple.A truth spell. I can make him tell us what we need to know.

Parker growls. I put my hand on his back to calm him.

He doesn’t want to be calmed down. He shrugs my hand away and looks down at his bleeding victim.

“Where is she?” he growls out the question.

Jake’s eyes roll up in his head. He passes out cold.

Parker lets out a sigh. “This is how we get him to tell us where she is.”

“No.” I shake my head. “I heard some of the shit he was mumbling when you were cutting him. He’s trying to win Amanda over as a mate, wherever she is. He’s determined not to let you ruin that. He’s not going to talk, whatever you do to him.”

“He’s not going to let me skin him, Dante. He’ll talk.”

“No, he won’t. Being tortured isn’t what’s going to break him.”

“You have another idea?”


“I’m listening.”

Chapter forty-four

