Page 90 of Hybrid Forgotten

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“I always thought she was made to be a princess,” Parker says behind me. “Rapunzel, because her hair is so long. I guess this makes her sleeping beauty.”

“Let’s see if we can wake her,” Rachel says.

“I can sense a charm,” I tell her, as I look around the bed.

I catch a flash of silver under edge of the pillow, and I remove it.

Smells like a classic knock-out spell. I toss it to Rachel. She catches it in her hands before it can hit her in the throat. She gives me a wry smile.

“Thanks for that,” she says, as she deactivates the charm with a reversal spell.

It shimmers before it becomes inactive. All of us look down at Amanda, watching and waiting.

She’s been lying here for at least five hours, after spending more than that in bed with us back home. There’s no way in hell she’s still tired. The spell’s just taking a minute to wear off.

“What about the other spells?” I ask.

“It sounds like the memory spell was premixed, and we think Shannon was hit with the same spell,” Rachel tells me. “She was confused when we met her, but she got her memories back pretty quickly once I spelled her to tell the truth. This feels more layered, with everything that’s been done. It could be more complicated.”

“Right,” I murmur.

The invisibility spell was easy to spot. The charm was left out in plain sight.

We just dealt with the knock-out spell.

“Shouldn’t she be waking up?” Parker gripes.

Rachel frowns. “Maybe there’s something more at work than a knock-out spell.”

I feel her magic rising before a sprinkling of white shows around Amanda, then a sprinkling of orange, followed by purple.

“There’s still a charm somewhere that we need to deactivate,” Rachel says. “It could be a back up for the knock-out spell, something like that.”

I search deeper under the pillow, before Parker shoos me out of the way and picks Amanda up. He moves back, keeping our mate in his arms.

I toss the pillow onto the floor after making sure it had nothing inside the case. Then, I check under the sheets, then, under the mattress. It’s under the mattress. Of course it is.

I pull it out and pass it to Rachel.

“Second knock-out spell,” she confirms before she deactivates it.

This time, when we all turn to look at Amanda, she gasps in a breath and wakes up.

Parker smiles down at her. “Thank all the Gods and Goddesses you’re awake.”

I share in his sentiments, but Amanda doesn’t seem so sure.

She’s staring at him as if he’s grown horns.

“Who are you?”

Chapter fifty-two


Nothingdeliversagutpunch quite like my true mate gazing back into my eyes and seeing nothing there that she recognizes. I know there’s a memory spell in the mix here, but it still feels like she just reached into my chest and ripped out my still-beating heart.

I put her down, gently setting her into a seating position on the edge of the bed.
