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“On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d say 15.”


“She’s mad at me, not you,” I say, sitting back. “She’ll probably be here in fifteen minutes. Will probably try to convince you to stick to Last Call business.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time.”

“With a slug in your chest…I couldn’t blame you if you listened to her.”

His gaze shifts to me, his eyes narrow. “You trying to offload me?”

“You crazy, lose my right hand?”

“Then stop with the bullshit,” he says. “I make my own decisions. Lorna knows that.”

“I’ll never speak of it again.”

“Good, cause I ain’t going anywhere, kid.”

I smirk, even though I’m the boss now, I allow my friend the pejorative term in private.

“The meds alright? You in any pain?”

He gingerly lifts his hand to the bandage. “Had a dose earlier this morning, I don’t want to get hooked on the stuff.” His eyes fix on me. “You find the fucker who shot me?”

“Yeah, took him over to Sully’s to pound some answers out of him. Then we sent him back to Gregor. Well, his head anyway.”

“Ah, figured it was that weasel ass prick behind it,” he says, scratching his chin. “Can’t say we didn’t see it coming. But what’s our next move? We’d be fully in our rights to take him out.”

“You just focus on getting better for the next couple of days. I’ve got something in mind for old Gregor. Trust me, you’re going to like it.”

A grin spreads across his face. “Come on, you can’t leave me hanging like that.”

The doorbell rings. “Ah, that must be Lorna,” I say rising before he can object. “I’d better let her in, I’m already in hot water with her.”

“Yeah, yeah, go on.”

When I reach the door, he calls out, “Hey, Bash.”

I turn around in the doorway.

“Thank Madison for me, will ya?” he says, pointing to the bandage. “I really hope things work out for you two.”

I nod. “Thanks, I’ll let her know.”

I head for the front door. Dmitri is already there talking to a particularly animated Lorna. The feisty little brunette is a handful at the best of times.

“Lorna, hello,” I say as I approach. “Come on back, Stieg is waiting to see you. He’s doing well.”

Her green eyes narrow dangerously. “He’s a father, Bash. We have two boys at home who need their father alive and well, not taking bullets for you!” She gestures wildly. “It’s not right. You could have any of these goons work for you. Why can’t you leave Stieg be, huh? Just let him run Last Call for heaven’s sake.”

“He’s this way,” I say, leading her down the hall. “Look, Lorna, Stieg is free to do as he pleases. I’m not forcing him to work for me.”

She stops in her tracks and turns to me. “You know he won’t leave your side unless you order him to. You guys and your stupid codes and brotherhood. I hate it,” she says tearing up.

I know it’s her fear over nearly losing Stieg that has her all wound up like this. I get it, I let it pass. “Come sit with him, Lorna. It’ll do him good to see your smiling face.”

She stares daggers at me. I feel for her, I really do, but this was the life Stieg chose and she knew that when she married him seven years ago. Lorna knows he’s like a brother to me and I’ll always do my best to keep him out of harm’s way. She’s hurting now, but Stieg is the only one who’ll be able to calm her down.
