Page 78 of The Name Drop

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Her nostrils flare and if looks could kill, I’d be dead on the ground. “Well, that scholarship may have been approved without a hitch, but it definitely didn’t come without a cost.”

“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I went back to Korea so that my dad would leave you alone. That was our deal. I mean, we eventually had a huge blow-out and my mom moved me and my sister into an apartment on the other side of town. I don’t speak to my dad anymore. But my mom has been amazing and really has supported me.”

Jessica lets out what sounds like a sigh of relief. When she speaks again, her tone is warmer, kind. “I’m so glad, Elijah. I was really worried, but I’m happy it all worked out. I mean, I’m sorry about your relationship with your dad, but I’m glad you’re finally able to do what you want with your life.”

She puts on a smile, but there’s a sadness in her eyes.

“Jessica, what aren’t you telling me?”

She straightens her back and lifts her chin. “The day I got the letter about the scholarship, my dad was fired from Haneul Corp.”


“Yeah. They said he had been told many times not to overfund the internship program, but he kept finding ways to support it. And that was grounds enough for termination.”

I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming. Why did I think I could go up against my father and win? Why did Jessica’s dad have to pay the price?

“But, Elijah? It turned out for the best. He has a job at a smaller company now and he really likes it. We had to sell our house and move into a condo, but it’s close to his work and to my school. Everything is...different. But it’s good. And I’m learning a lot at this interior design company. I haven’t declared a major yet, but I think this is what I want to do. Put all those hours watching HGTV to good use. And the owner of the design firm already said she’d gladly provide a recommendation letter if I need one down the road.”

“That’s amazing, Jessica. I love this for you.”I love you.I want to say it, but I know I have no right to after what my family did to hers. And I disappeared, fled to the other side of the world while she was left to pick up the pieces.

“Thanks, Elijah. I’m really happy for you too,” she says. “I didn’t realize what you went through to secure that scholarship for me. But I didn’t end up accepting any of the money. It didn’t seem right.”

I nod, thinking about how much trouble and heartache money has caused us.

“I’ve missed you,” Jessica says.

I let out a deep breath because the words feel like a healing balm I didn’t know I needed.

“God, I’ve missed you so fucking much, Jessica.”

She smiles and shakes her head. “Some things never change.”

“Shit, sorry. I mean, shoot.” I laugh. It feels so good to be teased by her again.

The bells on the door jingle and Jason peeks his head in.

“Jessica, what time do you get off? Come meet us for banh mis next door when you’re done. I’m calling Ella to come down too,” Jason says.

I turn to look at her and she meets my gaze. I look at her with all the love and hope I can.

Everything seemed to be against us this past summer, and for a time, I thought I’d never get to reconnect with Jessica again. I don’t want to even consider that now. We’re here. And maybe it’s fate, or a thread that binds us through a common name, or just goddamn luck. But I’m not fucking this up. I’m not letting anything get between us now.

I let out a breath, raise my eyebrow, and ask her a question not just about tonight’s dinner, but about every moment from now onward. “Whattaya say, Jessica? You in?”

A slow smile spreads across her face as if she knows exactly what I’m asking. “Heck yeah, Elijah. I’m in.”



One Year Later

“Okay, what time are your mom and sister flying in?” I ask.

Elijah jumps in front of me to catch an errant Frisbee that was flying directly toward my face. I swear, this campus gets more and more rowdy before a holiday. Everyone feels so free to be reckless.

Reckless. Maybe that’s what made me think it was a good idea to get all our families together for Thanksgiving. My parents, Elijah’s mother and sister, Ella and her grandmother, and Jason and his sister (his parents are on a cruise to Alaska).
