Page 41 of Ryan and Avery

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When he gothome, the door was bolted. He didn’t have the key to unlock it.

He checked his texts. There was one from his mom, telling him to ring the bell.

So theyweren’tlocking him out. They just wanted him to have to wake them up to get back in. They probably had their lecture waiting on index cards.

He considered sleeping in his truck. But he had work the next day. He needed sleep. He needed to shower.

What he didn’t need was that lecture.

When they opened the door, he pushed right through. They weren’t expecting that. He ran to his room, locked the door. His father pounded. They told him he was acting like a baby. Exact words:like a baby. But eventually they were the ones who wore themselves out.

Ryan knew they weren’t going to knock down the door. He knew he was safe.

But he still slept with his car keys under his pillow and got out of there before they woke up.

Now he’s atwork, a slow Sunday morning at the grocery. Avery is texting to see how he’s doing. He tells the truth, that he had to sneak out of his own house to avoid a blowup.

Your blowup or theirs?Avery asks.

Unclear,Ryan replies.

Luckily Ryan doesn’t have checkout duty today, just stocking the shelves. He knows he’s not supposed to look at his phone while he’s doing this, but the Sunday manager doesn’t really mind as long as the work gets done.

Hey, boy, Avery texts.What U stockin’?

Cans of tomato soup.

Mmmm. Savory.

Cups of Greek yogurt.

Stir it up, boy. STIR IT UP.

Boxes of Cheez-Its.

Rub off all over my fingers.

There are ten- or fifteen-minute intervals between theseexchanges, but whenever Ryan switches an aisle and taps out an update, Avery has a response in seconds.

Shouldn’t you be studying?Ryan asks before opening a box of cinnamon swirl loaves.

I am. The unpacking habits of the blue-haired grocery worker. This is AP-level stuff. (A&P-level?)

Seriously. It’s okay if you need to go.

Going is the last thing I need, thankyouverymuch.

Strangely, this sentence hits Ryan sideways, not in the way it was meant. He imagines Avery in his bedroom, his parents bringing him snacks and cheering him on. Of course Avery has no need for going. Of course he’s happy where heis.

This is the imbalance. Avery is making Ryan happy, but he’s the only thing making Ryan happy. Avery has plenty of other things to make him happy.

Still, that’s not a reason to stop the conversation.

Cinnamon swirl bread.

It doesn’t take three seconds before Avery replies,Slather me in cream cheese and roll me up.
