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My usually unflappable agent had pushed back when the show had suggested that my sexuality had tarnished the image of my character, Colton, and had warned that the fan backlash from killing him off would be a far greater firestorm.

Devious had made me a big star, and I was confident I’d get work if I was dropped, but the show had been my life for the last 12 years and the cast and crew were like family.

I made my way into the kitchen and sat down on the island stool. Remi’s betrayal had sunk deep, leaving me feeling shaken and lonely. Wrecked.

I dialed Ghost’s number for the umpteenth time, my heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and hope. Frustration twisted my insides as I listened to the ringing tone, only to be met once again by his voicemail. “Hey, it’s Ghost. Leave a message,”— the words sounding almost mocking.

“Ghost,” I sighed, pressing my fingers against my temple, “it’s Greyson. I ... wanted to talk to you about everything that’s happened. Please, call me back.” With a heavy exhale, I ended the call and tossed the phone onto the counter, feeling the weight of rejection settle on my shoulders.

Ghost hadn’t returned any of my calls. I thought maybe he blamed me for this mess because I was close to Remi. But deep down, I knew the truth — he was afraid. Afraid of being dragged into the spotlight, of having his life picked apart any further by vultures hungry for gossip.

I couldn’t really blame him. If our positions were reversed, I might do the same. Still, his silence stung.

I couldn’t shake the memory of Ghost’s lips on mine, the intensity of his touch that set my entire being alight. My attraction to him was overwhelming, yet so was my love for Remi. My feelings for both of them hadn’t disappeared overnight because Remi had betrayed me, which just made everything so much more painful.

I needed to clear my head. Grabbing a beer, I stepped onto the deck, hoping the sound of the ocean waves in the distance would offer an escape from the chaos surrounding me.

I gripped my beer bottle tightly, the cold glass numbing my fingers, as I stared out at the churning gray waves and felt the ocean breeze on my face.

As I took a swig, my phone rang, pulling me back into reality. Glancing at the screen, I saw Jonas Steel’s name flash before my eyes. A mix of anticipation and dread filled me as I answered, memories of our passionate encounters lingering in the recesses of my mind.

“Grey, I’ve seen the latest media coverage about you. How are you holding up?” His cultured tones were smooth as silk, as hypnotic as ever.

“As well as can be expected.” I kept my own voice neutral, not about to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much Remi’s betrayal had gutted me.

He clucked his tongue as if in faint disapproval. “I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m sorry your supposed girlfriend ... that reporter … stabbed you in the back.”

He continued, his tone bordering on condescending, “Trusting her was ... naïve.”

“Thanks for the reminder,” I snapped, bitterness creeping into my voice.

A beat of silence. When he spoke again, his tone had sharpened. “You should have known better than to trust her. She’s an ambitious little snake, just like the rest of us.”

Anger burned hot in my chest, scorching away the hurt, but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of a reply.

“Look,” he continued, a hint of urgency in his voice, “I need to ask you a favor. I don’t want our past … relationship to come out. You know how this industry can be. There’s a lot at stake for both of us, and I’d rather not be dragged into this mess.”

The weight of his words settled like lead in my chest. “Alright.”

“We can’t afford to be linked together right now. Keep your distance, Grey,” he finished, his voice softening slightly. “Please.”

“Fine,” I gritted out, clenching my fist around the phone. “I’ll keep my distance.”

“Thank you, Greyson,” Jonas said, relief evident in his voice. “Take care of yourself.” The line went dead, leaving me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

Breathing hard, I leaned against the railing of my deck and stared out at the waves crashing against the shore in the distance. The salty breeze teased my face, but it did little to quell the storm raging inside me. Jonas was right about one thing — I should have known better. But Remi wasn’t the only snake in the grass. There were far too many people willing to use me for their own gain.

As I stood there, lost in the incredible hurt Remi had inflicted on me, and the ache of losing my true love, I caught a glint of light from the beach below. My eyes narrowed, focusing on the paparazzi with long-range camera lenses and those cone-like devices designed to eavesdrop on conversations from far away. They were pointed up at my deck, hoping to catch every word, every emotion.

My blood boiled. Their prying eyes and intrusive lenses were violating my privacy once more. This house, which had become my refuge from the madness of Hollywood, no longer felt like a sanctuary.

Gripping the railing, I fought to control the surge of anger coursing through me. I stormed back into the house, slamming the door behind me. These vultures had no right to invade my life like this, to feast on my heartache for their own gain.

Was there no end to this nightmare? I sunk into an armchair, feeling more alone than ever before. The walls of my safe haven now seemed to close in around me, smothering me beneath the weight of betrayal and loss.

So much had changed in the last week. My life felt torn to shreds, my privacy obliterated, all because of Remi’s betrayal.

I took a long swig of beer, the bitterness coating my tongue. I shouldn’t have trusted her. I should have known her ambition would trump everything else.
